S Roberts

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since Dec 06, 2013
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Recent posts by S Roberts

i create the chart in on

i can't understand how to call this chartAnzahl in the onSuccess method, to show the count of this item elements within the elements of the list
10 years ago
thank you all for answering, with the nested loop for for(Group p: list) { l.add(p.getName()+ "("+number+")",p.getId());} how can i add the second loop hier? it means it must loop for each element in p, can you please provide me some sample code?
10 years ago
i need to get the count of the items elements in each item of the list. For example i have one group list in this list are 5 elements, and on each elements there are also some other items. I need to get these count of the items on each elements list to show them nearby elements name in brackets like:

I have a list of the group, then i add elements with the name and id to this list, like:

how can i get the count of each item elements that contains in p? Any suggestions

I have one list of Group

each group item has its own elements

i want to get the count of the last tree elements to show on the Group1 (4) for example

i have two methods in one of them i call the

and get the number of elements that i want but on console, if i call this variable in the second method is it null,

how to call it in the second method, i defined it as static

private static int number;
10 years ago
i am using gwt highcharts and i want to get client timezone calling jsni method from jstimezoneDetect in my client java code:

i bind it to my html:

and call this on client:

then i call it on page loading:

but i'm gettin these error:

please any suggetions, what i am doing wrong?
10 years ago
thank you for answer, i want to set first value for one function as start time at 18 pm clock and the end to 6 am clock of the next day and so on for one week as a Number, so i can highlaight the night time from 1st day to another how it can be done?
10 years ago
How can i get a nighttime between 2 days bigger than 18 pm of first day to 6 am the next day from daytime in java? Please any suggestions
10 years ago
HI, can you please help me with time converting into one month, for example what will be then it for one month and one week? and for one week ?
10 years ago
i want get the unix timestamp dynamish threw the query in java from db, how can i dynamish convert from oracle datetime to unix timestamp: for example i make this :

and the data is for 1404604800 is for 6.Juli 2014 and 1404432000 for 4.Juli 2014, how can i change the query to get the values dynamisch for the data such as 1404432000 and 1404604800?

if i implement and then write it instead of 1404432000 in query such and for the second datatime for example get the earlier 7 days, how to do it?is it wrong? Any suggestions?
10 years ago
on each object i get the list of elements on my gwt ui that the data that i populate ui with, and i get only on the last object the list of elements in ui, but want to get it for each object object, can you suggest me what am doing wrong? I add all the objects from first and second callbacks into panel at the end, must i do it in another place? (first asynccallback for the object and the second for the element into this objects)

10 years ago
yes, i did it like in sample that i posted, and the first asynccallback is work and i can get the data from db, but the second asynccallback doesn't do anything
10 years ago
can you please suggest me, how can i call inside of first AsyncCallback after calling on Success, the second AsyncCyllback? i use gwt rpc and load my data into ui, and after calling this first AsyncCallback on Success method i must call another AsyncCallback that execute the next part of the first AsyncCallback and load data from db into ui:

i get no exceptions, that second asynccallback doesnt work, cant load the data
10 years ago
can you please suggest me, how can i call inside of first AsyncCallback after calling on Success, the second AsyncCyllback? i use gwt rpc and load my data into ui, and after calling this first AsyncCallback on Success method i must call another AsyncCallback that execute the next part of the first AsyncCallback
10 years ago
thank you for answering, but i can't understand what did you ment
10 years ago