Oleg Duvanayev

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since Dec 13, 2013
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Recent posts by Oleg Duvanayev

hallo ,

i would like to take a file with all file names which are present in folder.

first solution. i tried to do it with this:

but this solution is bad, becouse :
1. fileContainer.txt will be updated only for new files
2. by remove any file(s), the content of fileContainer.txt is not changed

second solution:

so, the second solution works, but i am not sure it is good solution. I think it is possible to improve the first solution.

9 years ago
great !

it's work. very many thanks !
10 years ago
The matter is the next start of JBoss. By the reloading of the JBoss, it ignors the present folder and create a new one. This tends to new installation of jforum.

jforum is an application. First start of it is always installation.

i need to avoid the creation of new instance of application (jforum) and to use present one.

please see the screen short. i have reloaded the JBoss:
10 years ago
i have manualy inserted the war-file into JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments. The AS has created jforum.war.deployed. That's all. See screenshort. I have added the standalone.xml for info.
10 years ago
thanks Jeanne,

it is good idie about the JBoss forum.

yes, i have downloaded the jforum ( https://code.google.com/p/jforum2 ) as war file. JBoss AS7 runs on openSuse 12.3, x64.
10 years ago
dear sirs,

i would like to use the jforum on JBoss AS7. After deployment and installation i have reloaded the JBoss and found that jforum wants a new installation. I have found that JBoss create in the standalone/deployment nothing. Now it create the application in standalone/tmp/vfs/temp... .Each time the Jboss starts, it creates a new dir for jforum in standalone/tmp/vfs.

I do understand, that there is not an issue of jforum, but i need a solution. Perhaps anybody has met this issue.
10 years ago