ven an

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since Jan 27, 2014
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Hi Guys
Greatly appreciated if some can help me out to find the way to handle below problem statement.

There would be one JBPM process which does some processing of one task(asynchronously) .
There would be one batch process which has some set of tasks needs to be executed. -during iteration of all the tasks from batch process ,need to call jbpm process for each task,In case of many tasks,then it is not a good idea to call from batch,is there any way that we can do parallel processing from batch job. I am not sure 100% ,but some one made a statement to call nodes of a cluster from java,does this statement really valid ?

9 years ago
Thank You,I will try suggested one.
10 years ago
Hi Guys

There is code sample from my third party where I need to debug that java web code to enhance since there is no document available to go through.

The environment used here is - eclipse Helios 3.6.2 , and App sever - IBM WAS 8, There is a need to integrate WAS with eclise to debug the given code to understand,Can any one help me how to integrate and do debugging from eclipse? ,I google and tried to find some plug in for was to integrate with eclipse but failed to find.Can any one help me to get some suggestions ?

10 years ago