Abbie Grimes

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since Feb 02, 2014
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Recent posts by Abbie Grimes

I did look at OWASP and the website was good, but I wasn't able to grab many examples of what I was.
In the end I engineered some toy examples and they work well for my purpose.
10 years ago
I got a copy of the book and it is an excellent resource.
I even contacted my old lecturer and had a catch up, he was very helpful.
He advised me that the resource I am requesting is not publicly available so I change of approach is going to be needed.
10 years ago
You are joking me, one of the authors is my old lecturer from my undergraduate, Fred Long.
10 years ago
First post I've made but I've read answers on CodeRanch for a few years now, but recently I opened an account with StackExchange (Don't all boo at once) but if you're not asking a question in their format you get downvoted quicker than [insert funny reference here]. So I thought I'd try somewhere friendlier.
10 years ago
Hi Team,

I am in need of resource for example code snippets of Vulnerable Code and corresponding Exploit Code.

I have googled the internet and I find sites like Oracle Secure Code Guide and Securing Java Chpt 7, which only supply me with rules of thumb and best practices or Other website trying to sell me a learning course.

I'm looking for a resource with side by side weak code and exploit code, because I intend to run the weak code through a data structure parser I made and see if vulnerabilities still exist. I'm mostly interested in whitebox exploits that require internal knowledge of the code and data structures.

With the resources I've come across it explains how some exploits are performed but no example code or demonstrations. I don't want to spend a month writing multiple code example code snippets because there must be a resource that already exists.

Any help would be much appreciated even key phrases to search for.
10 years ago