Mike Piotrowski

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since Apr 24, 2002
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Recent posts by Mike Piotrowski

Trying to figure out a way for synchronizing persistent data for a blackberry app with data in a database on the server.

I believe you can write a plug-in for the synchronizing with desktops, but can you write a plug-in to synchronize data with BES?

Anybody ever come across this problem?

Mike Piotrowski
19 years ago
Downloaded mine last night and also have no data class that the instructions talk about. It clearly says that a database file is supplied to us. I think I�m going to e-mail them and ask.
The beta is more difficult than the current exam being o code is supplied anymore. But other than that very similar to the current exam just uses a different business model for the application.
I thinking now of using most of my assignment from Fly By Night. Still not quite sure how to tackle the database implementation, have to work on that over the weekend.
Good luck to everybody. You would think they could give us more than a month, but I like working under tight schedules.
Got my notice today also just waiting for permisiion to download.
I see no need to worry about any of that. As you said all that may happen is opening yourself up for deductions. Keep things simple and you will due fine. Just remember you have to make the decision and defend you reason. Good luck.
Congratulations and great job!! You score is a little strange but the important thing is you passed.
22 years ago
Congratulations Jay and good job. Nice to see somebody that used sockets.
22 years ago

Has anyone who registered for the beta received any answers from Sun yet? Just wondering

No, I have not heard anything yet.
As Mark said this happens to everyoneone it seems. They should respond to your e-mail within 24-48 hours. It took me three times before it worked. Best of luck to you.
Congratulations, and best of luck.
22 years ago
Hope you had a nice vactation. About a week or two ago someone posted a link to a page on Sun's website asking for volunteers to take the new beta SCJD test for free. I submitted my name and was advised at the time you would be hearing back in early august if selected. Since then they seem to not been taking any more names, have removed the page from their site and I have heard nothing back as of yet.
There has been some confusion also because they have a new test number (CX-310-252A) for the SCJD exam. I do not believe this is the beta test they are referring to. But I am getting just as confused as everybody else now.
I don't believe there is a difference between the old Fly By Night and exam CX-310-252A. They just announced a couple weeks ago about getting people for beta testing beginning in August. So I can't believe they changed the test signifigantly without first going through the beta test. Maybe they require you to use 1.4 now, which is what I used anyways a few months ago. The only way for us to know for sure wait to hear from somebody that has downloaded CX-310-252A. The new exam objectives seem no different from the old ones.
From what I read on Suns site I don't believe exam CX-310-252A is the same as the new beta exam they are coming out withn soon.
I used GridBagLayout in my GUI and also Flow and Border. I like the almost total control you get with it GridBag, but it also depends what you are comfortable using and what gives you the desired effect you are achieving.
I would say also don't worry about it. You never need to call the add method anyways in the assignment. This may be something you might want to point out though in your desing document.
Great job, congratulations!! Thanks for the great comments.
22 years ago