zena sam

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since Apr 26, 2002
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Recent posts by zena sam

For JAX-RPC, JAXR, JAXP ..is it enough to study the sun tutorials at http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/index.html to answer any API related questions.

Thanks in Advance!!
Do you remember if there were any questions from SOAP???

from Objective 2 I mean...

Thanks in advance!!!
Thanks a lot Lasse, it helps!
Can u please explain in detail, what do we mean when it is said server side or client side...
Thanks in Advance!
I have a question regd the XSLT technology,is the xml rendering considered a server side technology or a Client side...I know it sounds very silly but I want to make sure I know the right thing as I see most of the processing is done in the Stylesheet by passing the xml file...

Please clarify!
Thanks in Advance!!
I have a few questions regd JDBC/SQL?
can we connect to multiple databases from one application using JDBC?
how can we verify the results expected from a query with the results produced....if the expected results are stored in a excel sheet?
Thanks in Advance!!
Thank you very much Guys,the answers are great...it really helps to understand the concept in depth...thanks a lot!!
I have a question regd entity bean , as the concept is not clear to me...
Since the Entity bean represent the data in a table and each instance of the entity bean represents a row in a table.If there are 1000 records in a table ...will there be 1000 different instances of the entity bean??
Please clarify.
Thanks in advance!
I have a few questions asked in the interview:
How can the transcation roolback exception be avioded generated due to a SQL statement for an application in the WebSphere application server?
How can deadlock be avoided in a web based application, when the user enters values in a web page text field the browser and tries to execute the application?
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
21 years ago
Hi Andy,
Can u tell us what books or tutorials you used for the certification...
Thanks in Advance!
Hi Howard,
Thanks.I have taken SCJP and SCWCD , am looking out for job as many employers ask for WebSphere or Weblogic experience. So I was planning on taking up a product based certification as it would be more convincing, not sure if SCBCD was a better choice.Please let me know about the exams for Weblogic and WebSphere in detail...as to how I should plan...
Thanks in Advance!
Hi Guys,
am planning to taking up a certification in Enterprise Application Development.am confused as to which one should I choose Weblogic or WebSphere...as am new to both...can someone suggest me on this???
Thanks in Advance!
Hi Ujwala,
am planning on xml certification.Can u tell me which of the chapters are important from Professional XML(2nd edition) for the certification as there seems to be many chapters not to related to certification topics directly.....though they might be important for understanding the concepts in depth...
Thanks in Advance!
am trying to deploy an application that uses Velocity templates instead of JSP.I placed the application folder in tomcat 4.1.24 home in webapps..
also modified the <context> tag in server.xml to point to the application directory....I hope am not missing out on any configuration stuff...coz when I start tomcat and try to see the application through browser I get a HTTP Status 404 error....Any idea how this can be resolved??
Thanks in Advance!!
21 years ago
Here's the command I have used....
tomcat.exe -install "%SERVICENAME%" "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll" -Djava.class.path="%JAVACLASSPATH%" -Dcatalina.home="%CATALINA_HOME%" -Xrs -start org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params start -stop org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params stop -out "%CATALINA_HOME%\logs\catalina.out" -err "%CATALINA_HOME%\logs\stderr.log" -current "%CATALINA_HOME%\bin"...
Any idea as to how I can have the service started after installing the service...
Thanks in Advance!
21 years ago