Marcos Motta

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since Apr 28, 2002
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Recent posts by Marcos Motta

I passed step 1 and downloaded my assignment 16 months ago, but I could not work on it until now. Could someone help me with these questions?

- Has the exam changed since then?
- Can I use the latest released J2EE version?
- Who should I contact to know if the exam/assignment are still valid?

Thank you Fernando
Do you know where I can find a free personal java rte for WindowsCE 3.0/StrongARM?
[ September 25, 2003: Message edited by: Marcos Motta ]
21 years ago
I need to develop a java app for Windows CE 3.0
I heard that I should not use PersonalJava because it will be n longer supporyted by sun. Is that correct?
Would the best option be CDC/Personal Profile? Is there any implementation for WinCE?
thanks in advance
21 years ago
Hi everyone,
I finally uploaded the assignment and took the follow up exam!
I don't know where the results will be posted, in the galton site? by email?
Thanks again Andrew (you really read all of these messages! amazing)
Just to see if I understand the limitations:

may not be possible to use external RMI Registry

why? anything related to security policy?

since stubs are local to client, if ever you change server side, you will have to provide clients with new stubs (rather than the client dynamically downloading them as required).

This is because the client is tied to a specific remote interface but the server can use different implementing classes and the client will download them as needed?
My client manifest goes like this:

Congratulations! How did you know you could retry uploading? Did Sun contact you?
I apologize for not being clear enough.
I did not used any SecurityManager; the user is NOT required to configure any codebase environment variable or policy file. The inclusion of the stubs in the client jar allowed me to avoid this complicated stuff.
The codebase is required if the client has to download the stubs.
The security manager is used to check permissions related to the download process. The security manager is likely to use a policy file to retrieve the configured permissions.
I have bypassed all of these configuration when I put the stubs accessible from the client's class path.
My question is: What are the disadvantages of this approach?
I included all RMI stub classes in the client jar file to avoid configuring codebase, policy file and security manager. Everything works perfect on all OS I tested: Linux, Win2k, WinXP, Mac.
But, I am wondering what I have missed by doing this because I will probably have to defend this approach in the essay and I realized that I dont know all of the pros and cons.
What am I missing?
thank you
I have the same problem; but I sent a message to Sun yesterday and I think it is stiil too soon to desperate.
Can you share which kind of question you answered?
Can I assume in the readme.txt that the JRE is installed and "java" is at the command PATH? Or I have to document how to install JRE, add java to the PATH and add rt.jar to the CLASSPATH?
Has anyone passed the exam making this assumption?
Thanks Philippe,
By the way, you have mentioned getCause(). I am using jdk 1.3.1. I started the exam 1 year from now. I implemented a sort of exception chaining in my ClientException. I created a method called ClientException.getReason() instead of getCause() present in 1.4.
Do you think that I might have problems because of this?
I created a class called BusinessServices responsible for handling the major application transactions. This class has the methods: connect, searchFlights and bookFlight. Exceptions caught during processing of this methods are wrapped and thrown as a ClientException. I also have a class called ExceptionHandler responsible to handle ClientException exceptions caught in the client application. As of now, this handler only shows a message box with details about the exception. This is the pattern used in my code:

After a routine inspection in my projet, I realized that the RuntimeException thrown by the invariant() method in the Data class can propagate up to the client and never being caught because I am not catching RuntimeException, only ClientException. I dont know how to handle RuntimeException in a better way than showing a message and finishing the application.
Now the question. How should I handle RuntimeException? Catch it inside BusinessServices and wrap it in a ClientException just like the other checked exceptions? Or I should instead catch it explicitly like:
I dont think you should bother with dead-lock, unless otherwise stated in your assignment instructions.
It is not an issue for the lock();modify();unlock(); sequence required to book a seat.
My assignment states that the decisions.txt document must include the topic: "Modifying vs. Extending the Data class".
I am having trouble in answering this question because I think that I have done both, modified and extended the class. I have added the method criteriaFind, so I have extended it. I have also modified this class, replacing some deprecated methods and adding code the lock() and unlock() that were provided empty.

Can someone help me clarifying this