sujesh Katri

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since Apr 02, 2014
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Recent posts by sujesh Katri

i will read CR sir link and i will ask if i have any doubts.
9 years ago
i did not fool you vilda sir..i'm just practicing programs..sir why we need to use scanner before we read value..i will learn one new thing.
9 years ago
at first instance i did not put unique condition..later i thought its good to put unique condition.
9 years ago
i compared 8-element list and 36-element list.
in 36-element list first one occured 8 times, second one 7 times, 3 element 6times, 4 element 5 times like 8 element 1time occured.
9 years ago
sir i got my requirement with one array and one arraylist..duplication not considerable. i'm placing my code below. can you please tell me how much efficient that below code.. definitely i will try with two arraylists and single arraylist..i won't disappoint with your feed back please ask me questions if there is any ineffient logic
9 years ago
1. i'm trying with two arraylists..first all numbers will be stored in one second one valid numbers will be stored.
2.i'm skipping invalid numbers ..i won't take them in any arraylist. i understood your's yesterday's basket story but i don't want to take invalid in another basket.
9 years ago
1. i don't get logic to take arraylist input from keyboard and repeat when incorrect occur. thats why at least i'm trying with two arraylists first.
2. i'm practicing programs on arraylist
3. we got to give unique account number with mentioned range like 1111 and 8888
4. when we give 1111 that number must be stored in new arraylist
5.when we give 1110 that number should not be stored in new arrraylist and error msg must be shown to user like enter new account number mean count decreases here.
i want to store 8 validated account numbers means when we give wrong input that count must be cancelled.
9 years ago
i want to read, store, validate internet account numbers of 8 customers in arraylist and minimum and maximum account numbers which can be stored are 1111 and 8888. for that requirement i took two arraylists. one for taking all account numbers and another one to store validation outputs..i'm placing my code below

when i give correct input instead of 8 account numbers 36 numbers storing in new arraylist. i'm not getting correct logic..when i give wrong input that was totally disaster.
9 years ago
i don't get any program code idea regarding taking arraylist input from keyboard and repeat whenever incorrect occur. could you please provide example program code. i myself want to use arraylist
9 years ago
if i take two arraylists then validation happening but not properly.
for eg:
i want exactly 8 account numbers with proper validation. i did not get proper logic.
9 years ago
i'm not getting my desired output with below code..i want validation on arraylist..i want to take values from keyboard to arraylist and while entering i want to validate and store..i don't know is it possible with single arraylist without taking two array lists.
9 years ago
i want to store account numbers from keyboard to my arraylist and while storing one by one i want to compare those account number with certain numbers like validation of account number.
for eg:account numbers must be greater than 1111 and less than 8888..if customer enter account number 1000 it must be show some msg and take new account number from that it possible single arraylist comparision?..i saw with two array lists but i want to use single arraylist.
9 years ago
Can you please provide me another m2eclipse link for more and complete information about m2eclipse.
9 years ago

I developed small maven program in eclipse and i want to prepare documentaion. I go through Run->external tools->external tool configuration->program->new->later on i typed maven batch file location in location box and clean site in argument box.

i don't know which thing i have to type in working directory box..Can someone please tell me that thing.
9 years ago