Ferdinand Victorinus

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 09, 2014
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Recent posts by Ferdinand Victorinus


How to I make nice drawings to put in a site (like the ones in the frontpage of javaranch)?
Is there a free course to learn that?
I use Gimp to make some things, but I spend a lot of time.

8 years ago
Congratulations! When are you going to call us to the barbecue, to celebrate your new certification?
8 years ago
I saw "The Visit" (by director M. Night Shyamalan). It is not so surprising as "The Sixth Sense", but it is much better than his the last movies(like "Lady of Water").
9 years ago
The truly best in the world:

I think Ronda is afraid of Cyborg.
9 years ago
I'd like to know if the definition of "micro web service" exists in the world of microservices...
9 years ago

Junilu Lacar wrote:Can you be more specific as to what you are confused about?

Are you not familiar with the term "smell"? Or are you just not sure about the distinction between "code smell" vs "design smell"?

I'm not familiar with the term "smell" indeed... by the way, what are the differences between "code smell" and "design smell"?
I'm trying to use Google App Engine with Python. I'm editing the project files with Notepad++, using Windows as SO.
In GAE Launcher, suddenly the project is displayed in a red line, and I can't run it anymore. The Laucher doesn't show what could be the error, so I'm unable to discover what might be the problem.
Has anyone passed through this situation?
9 years ago
What is the meaning of that heart formation? Is it some message from the aliens?
9 years ago
I'd like to know if "Customer requirements" talks about how to find the cost of a project.

Thank you.
9 years ago
I think she's gonna lose to the brazilian Bethe Correa, in the next fight at UFC.
9 years ago
I'd like to know if Android works in Xiaomi smartphones.

Thank you.
9 years ago
I'd like to know if Python is a programming language sponsored by Google.
9 years ago
Do you think it is a good idea changing Java scripts to Python, in order to try to gain productivity?

Thank you.
9 years ago