chanakya khatri

Ranch Hand
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since May 08, 2002
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Recent posts by chanakya khatri

I have a SUSE linux on my desktop...which is really really SLOW the hardidisk makes funny noice the processor is around 400 MHZ but with good RAM 1GB!..but SUSE works like a charm actaully better then my win XP professional which runs on pentium 3 1.1GHZ CPU and 1GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD. SUSE has never hanged! i am thinking about installing SUSE on other desktop aswell..
19 years ago
i got Casio Exilim EX-Z50 and HP R707.

Both are equally good, Looks wise CASIO is more sexy. function wise they both match each other...maybe HP is little easier to use and got few c00l functions Like adapting light and Image Advice, chckout steve's Reviews before you decide on buying new Digi cam.
20 years ago
i just came across this site .. dont know how much is true about their web ranking practice..
20 years ago
I counted 5..still looking for elusive 6!
20 years ago
thanx Amanda for the invite
20 years ago
if u still have invites..thne i would appreciate one

[email protected]

20 years ago
1. Toshiba
2. Sony Vaio
3. Dell
20 years ago
well u can find free online books(tuorials) to get started..(IMO SUN's website is the best one)


2) (for Game programming)

I dont know any good symbian website...
20 years ago
I once wrote to John Muchow (Core J2me) asking for his help in coding.I used the header he had specified on his website for traning purposes. I got very quick reply and he was very helpful. I guess all unrecoginized emailz end up in a junk mail folder.
20 years ago
u can start by going through the articles on . I particularly like Core J2me book it gives lots of examples but it doesnt cover Midp2.Wireless J2me (Wireless Java: Developing with J2ME, Second Edition) and Wireless J2ME Platform Programmingtwo other good books. And for advance topics Take a look at
20 years ago
Very Sad day i was soo mad that i couldnt study for my Uni exams. anyway ppl got what they deserved. Is there any book about Alberto Fujimori that would be an interesting reading now...I hope Manmohan Singh will become PM and ABV's Golden Quadrilateral and other projects wont be stalled by the Congress...
20 years ago
i also switched 2 vivisimo...these days google gives loads of commercial link.
20 years ago
The wiki is your outboard brain; the junk pile of content only makes sense to you, and there are many blank pages

[ January 11, 2004: Message edited by: chanakya khatri ]
21 years ago
PestPatrol, SpyBOt and Ad-aware
Spybot and PestPatrol are commercial softz and ad-aware can be freely dloaded from hereLavaSoftUSA
21 years ago