Sumit Biswas

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Hi Sudipto,

a. what is the type of application?

Its Servlet based application

b. how are you deploying this applicaiton? and what is the state of the applicaiton that you see in the weblogic console after deployment. please check the same while you are requsting the application.

Deployment is through war file. I.e. by navigating to the war file in the physical directory and make it as an application and deploy it in cluster environment as it is seen the config file. Its always in active state.

c. where are you looking for the logs to find any errors?

In Managed Servers log directory

I can understand that you are not able to hit the application from your browser. Can you try hitting some other page in the applicaiton directly, say a home page by-passing the page that you are hitting to launch the application?

It will redirect to login page even if you try any other page. So not sure how I can bypass it. Please let me know if there are any ways to do and I can try it.

Sumit biswas
10 years ago
Hi Sudipto,

Got it from /domains/DOMAIN_NAME/config/config.xml and attached.

This issue is for this application. I have never seen anything like this. Basically if an application works for one managed server, then it should work for multiple managed servers too.

Please let me know if you find anything for me. Thanks again.

Sumit Biswas


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<domain xmlns="" xmlns:sec="" xmlns:wls="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<sec:authentication-provider xsi:type="wls:default-authenticatorType">
<sec:authentication-provider xsi:type="wls:default-identity-asserterType">
<sec:role-mapper xmlns:xac="" xsi:type="xac:xacml-role-mapperType"></sec:role-mapper>
<sec:authorizer xmlns:xac="" xsi:type="xac:xacml-authorizerType"></sec:authorizer>
<sec:adjudicator xsi:type="wls:default-adjudicatorType"></sec:adjudicator>
<sec:credential-mapper xsi:type="wls:default-credential-mapperType"></sec:credential-mapper>
<sec:cert-path-provider xsi:type="wls:web-logic-cert-path-providerType"></sec:cert-path-provider>
<sec:password-validator xmlns:pas="" xsi:type="pas:system-password-validatorType">
<name>FMW Welcome Page Application#</name>
<name>DMS Application#</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>oracle.wsm.seedpolicies#[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>oracle.dconfig-infra#[email protected]</name>
<name>orai18n-adf#[email protected]</name>
<name>oracle.adf.dconfigbeans#[email protected]</name>
<name>oracle.pwdgen#[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>jsf#[email protected]</name>
<name>jstl#[email protected]</name>
<name>UIX#[email protected]</name>
<name>ohw-rcf#[email protected]</name>
<name>ohw-uix#[email protected]</name>
<name>oracle.adf.desktopintegration.model#[email protected]</name>
<name>oracle.adf.desktopintegration#[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>oracle.bpm.mgmt#[email protected]</name>
<name>[email protected]</name>
<name>oracle.webcenter.composer#[email protected]</name>
<name>jackson-core-asl#[email protected]</name>
<name>jackson-jaxrs#[email protected]</name>
<name>jackson-mapper-asl#[email protected]</name>
<name>jersey-bundle#[email protected]</name>
<name>jettison#[email protected]</name>
<name>rome#[email protected]</name>
<name>MS1 (migratable)</name>
<notes>This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually.</notes>
<name>MS2 (migratable)</name>
<notes>This is a system generated default migratable target for a server. Do not delete manually.</notes>
<name>JRF Startup Class</name>
<name>JPS Startup Class</name>
<name>AWT Application Context Startup Class</name>
<name>JMX Framework Startup Class</name>
<name>Web Services Startup Class</name>
<description>Creates FMWDFW incidents based on unchecked Exceptions and critical errors</description>
10 years ago
True. That's what I thought. Application in one MS should work in any number of MS.

IP address and Ports are correct. Not sure what is stopping the application to work in multiple MS.

10 years ago
Hi Gonzalez,

Sorry there are no logs when user tries to access the application when multiple Managed Server is running. It just don't react to anything and stays in login page. Even if user provides bad password, it doesn't do anything.

It works only when just one manage server is running.

So do you mean this limitation can be because of javascript?

If possible, it would be great if you can provide some link or some code snippet to resolve it.

Sumit Biswas
10 years ago
We have an application which when deployed using one Managed Server, works perfectly fine.

But when same application is deployed using two or more Managed Servers, does not work. Once user tries to log-in with user credential, the application does not even send request. I know this for sure because I don't see any log in WebLogic.

Other way, if any one of the Managed Server is shutdown, i.e. One Managed Server is running, the application works again.

I have attached the architecture diagram.

OS: Windows 7 64 bit

WebLogic: 10.3.6

Application Development Runtime:

Did anybody came across any such issue earlier? If so please let me know how it was solved or any views to resolve it will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hope I was able to convey the issue properly. Please let me know if any other details required.

10 years ago