pin guan wang

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Recent posts by pin guan wang

I would prefer a coloured version..
8 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:The one I used was black and white. Why would that matter though? Even if the PDF has color, you can print in black and white mode.

Hi Jeanne,

Thanks for your reply. is selling the TOGAF 9 study guides too, but their samples are in black and white.

I wonder if OpenGroup is selling the coloured version.

Did you buy it from OpenGroup or Amazon?

Pin Guan
8 years ago

For the PDF study guides mentioned in this link (, may I know are the contents of these study guides printed in colour or black and white?

•TOGAF 9 Foundation Study Guide, 3rd Edition (PDF)
•TOGAF 9 Certified Study Guide, 3rd Edition (PDF)

8 years ago
Hi Rahini,

Thanks for your reply.
So does it mean after studying, I can register for the combined Part 1 & 2 exam?

I just want to know if there is any pre-requisition before I can take the exam.

9 years ago
Hi Rahini,

I cannot find the download link for the study material, are they in PDF format?
9 years ago
May I know is this the cheapest way to get myself TOGAF 9 certified?

1) Download the Self-study pack (Part 1 & 2 package @ US$59.9) from the link below (Can I actually get the self-study material from a friend/colleague? Is it legal to do so?)

2) Study the Self-study throughout and read any free online resource available

3) Sit for the combined Part 1 & 2 exam (@US$495)

If I can pass Part 1 & 2 exam in one go, I will only need to spend 59.95 + 495 = US$554.95

Am I right?
Will this method work? Or is there even a cheaper method?

Thanks in advance.
9 years ago

Antonio Rafael Rodrigues wrote:I think that the observation made by Pin is that since we don't mess up our diagrams, there is no problem in putting not required information.

Yes, that is what i was trying to say.
As long as what you are going to document is accurate and it is not too tedious to do so, I think it is worth to include it into your sequence diagram.

To make your sequence diagrams cleaner, you can use the "reference" UML notation. Just create a sequence diagram for your JAAS login and "reference" to this JAAS login diagram from the other sequence diagrams.

There is no harm to put in more detail if you are not sure if it is redundant.

Sergio Aragon wrote:Hi,

I created a simple zip file. Then I changed .zip to .jar

Very simple steps in windows 7

Kind regards

So you have passed your part 2 & 3 ?

I used the following command to generate my jar file:

jar cf "scea-AAAAAAAAA.jar" *

Does anyone know how do the examiners do with the jar file?
Do they extract the content by using tool like 7-zip file manager?

I am afraid that they are not able to view the content in my jar file.


Amritendu De wrote:Resource Tier has the entities which you must include in your class diagram. First form the domain model and then add daos, services, etc on top of it.

Dear Amritendu,

Thanks for your reply.

You mentioned the "entities" in the Resource Tier, do you mean the JPA entity classes?

How about the components like Database, LDAP Server, Email Server, do I need to show them into the class diagram? These components are not classes, do I need to add them?

Thanks again

Is it a good idea to include resource tier components like Database, LDAP server, web services, etc into the class diagram?

At first I always think that class diagram should only include Classes and that is all, but Cade's book is showing JSP pages in class diagram, that is why I wonder if it is a good idea to include resource tier components into class diagram..

What do you think?

Thanks in advance.

May I know do I need to add the Error/Exception flow in Sequence Diagram for part 2 ?


Claude Moore wrote:Please check which version of ejb you're using. Ejb 2.0 didn't allow inheritance - even it was supported by vendor specific extension. With Ejb 3.x it's fully supported.

Hi Calude,

Thanks for your reply.

I am using EJB 3.1, so it is supported, and the error shown by NetBeans could be due to my configuration or NetBeans bug.
Let me know if I am wrong.


I have tried this example ( with CarDao extending the BaseDao, it works like a charm.
However, from the CarDao class, my NetBeans underlined the class name “CarDao” with the error message “A session bean must not extend another session bean.” But I can compile, deploy and run the application without any problem.
I have also heard that a session bean cannot extend another session bean, but why it works here?

I am using Java EE 6, NetBeans 8.0.1 and WebLogic 12c for this code testing.
Any idea?
