Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:The one I used was black and white. Why would that matter though? Even if the PDF has color, you can print in black and white mode.
Antonio Rafael Rodrigues wrote:I think that the observation made by Pin is that since we don't mess up our diagrams, there is no problem in putting not required information.
Sergio Aragon wrote:Hi,
I created a simple zip file. Then I changed .zip to .jar
Very simple steps in windows 7
Kind regards
Amritendu De wrote:Resource Tier has the entities which you must include in your class diagram. First form the domain model and then add daos, services, etc on top of it.
Claude Moore wrote:Please check which version of ejb you're using. Ejb 2.0 didn't allow inheritance - even it was supported by vendor specific extension. With Ejb 3.x it's fully supported.