Thank you Shai,
Your post literally blew my mind, it is amazing. Honestly for that post alone I think I'll buy a physical copy of your book. I'm not kidding.
You confirm many of my doubts about modern web dev. There is a lot of hype out there, and it's hard not to get caught up in the latest craze if you spend any time on social media, youtube, etc. At the end of the day enterprise clients need reliability and all of the 7 strengths you mention mean they're going to stay with Java. No one is completely jumping ship to new dev platforms, likely just moving things to containers, DevOps, SRE, etc. Maybe Enterprises will find other supporting uses for those languages/tools, seeing if they pan out long term. Where I work we have a ton of Python tooling and Python web pages for engineering support tools.
I read that Amazon started out heavily using Perl and has since moved to primarily java (amongst many others). I feel like this pattern repeats itself a lot, things start in any number of languages to get off the ground and ultimately move to Java for those strengths.
I do also like how much Java has matured over the past 5-10 years. It's inherited a lot from some of the other JVM languages like Scala and Groovy, which is really smart. It hasn't grown chaotically which I feel C++ has. I love the quote from the Primeagen "The best way to describe C++ is features will continue until moral improves."
Not putting any language down, Java has it's own Meme-fest I'm sure, but how Java handles it's critiques is refreshing. It actually improves.
Caching makes a lot of sense I haven't dealt with that side of application dev/devops much but I need to learn more.
Thanks again for your detailed response.