Gustavo Adolpho Bonesso

Ranch Hand
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since May 11, 2002
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Recent posts by Gustavo Adolpho Bonesso

Hi !

Somebody has developed functions to convert chars from EBCDIC to ASCII and vice-versa ?
19 years ago
Somebody knows good sites about using JUnit and Eclipse ?
20 years ago
Hi !

I need to access USB ports using Java... Somebody knows how to do that ???

20 years ago
Ko Ko Naing,

I�m using RE to recognize filenames that fit in specific pattern in large directories. My application must decode these specific files...
20 years ago
Hi !

Somebody knows good sites about Regular Expressions ?

Thank�s !
20 years ago
Hi !

What are the situations when is better to use XML files to store data instead of databases?
OO226 Course, from SunEdu, treats this SunTone as a OOSD Metodology. It�s a Architecture Centric Metodology, but this course use this metodology only to make Deployment Diagrams and a "Tier & Layer" Diagram (which i only saw in this course...)
I�m asking questions just to know more about this metodology...
Hi !
Are somebody using SunTone Architecture Metodology (From Sun)? Wich are the good and bad features of this metodology?
Hi !
Collaboration Diagram and Sequence Diagram are diferent views for the same thing... But i have used Sequence Diagrams in my Company... This is the most used in others Companies?
PAC means "Presentation-Abstraction-Control", and the Controller function and View function resides on the same component, which is called Presentation.
I saw in a book that this is the best choice for design GUI aplications in Java, because the Controller is implemented by the listeners, which are coded as inner classes in the Frame (View).
Which are the situations where is better to use PAC instead of MVC ?
Which are the main issues / risks that must be adressed in any J2EE application ?
20 years ago
Which are the situations where is better to use PAC instead of MVC ?
Hi !
Somebody knows if the SunTone Architecture Metodology has been used in comercial projects ?
Hi !
Somebody know if exists a Telnet implemented as a open source?
Thank�s !