MR Thakkar

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since May 13, 2002
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i have tried it no wbut i get the below error.
access denied(java.lang.RuntimePermission accessClassInPackage.sun.jdbc.odbc)

[ Edited by Dave to format code and fix smilies ]
[ May 15, 2002: Message edited by: David O'Meara ]
i am new to this .
why is this used and what are it's uses.
how do i get started.
22 years ago
i am java programmer and dont know anything about it something like javascript used in webbrowser or is it something like jsp.
what are its use and advantage?
thanks in advance.
22 years ago
how do i connect applet to datbase of ms-access.
22 years ago
how do i connect applet to datbase of ms-access.