Jeff Blue

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since Sep 07, 2014
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I have a problem and I hope to get here an answer. I want to create many midi sounds without saving them on the client pc, because this should work in an Applet. The creating sound part isn't the problem, the problem is to play these sound simultaneously. I searched now more than 3 days for an asnwer, but couldn't find one that helped me.

Here is what i have at the moment:
My Sound (found part of it in an open-spurce project):

This is where i create my sound:

Here my Temporary Main class:

I thought about Threads but I don't think if I have 20-30++ Thread, that won't be simultaneously and the perfomance wouldn't be that good. I saw examples were they played sounds simultaneously, but then they loaded the sounds from a file and when I tried it with midi it didn't work.
10 years ago