Aruna Raghavan

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since May 14, 2002
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Recent posts by Aruna Raghavan

I am noticing that employers are increasingly asking for work samples from previous work places. This is not allowed by most companies (in my case all), I had to sign all sorts of agreements with companies where I worked before. I am thinking about putting together some example projects. For example, extending my SCJD project to add different UI/database etc. Is this a good idea?
21 years ago
I would wait for 4 weeks. It is different for different people. Some got it after a week and someothers after 4 weeks.
Your final jar file ca not exceed 1MB. Mine was about 500K. I had a gui for configuration, three .jpg files. I have seen people submit with much smaller footprints also. Remember, more core does not necessarily mean better code.
There is a ***lot of****difference between the two paths. I decided to stay on the technical path after 9 years. It is not easy, but it has been fun. It requires a lot of patience, reading up on the latest technologies, setting up your own lab at home, trying out things, learning new things, taking certification tests, etc.
If you choose to go on the management track, you have to schmooze, play golf well, communicate well, manage schedules and meetings well, dress better, possibly get an MBA from a reputable University, learn to talk with higher level executives, manage projects/people in an efficient way.
21 years ago
Is it possible to use an IDE with JBoss? IF so, how?
21 years ago
In America, expiration applies to medications, pre-packaged food etc. I remember in India reading in the news papers death announcements when some one expired
21 years ago
Congrats Andrew, nicely done!
21 years ago
Hi Reeta,
I think you are very qualified. My observation has been that in the current market, it's best go through your contacts that you network with to find a job. Whatever few jobs are being posted, they are being given to whoever the existing employees bring in. It is deemed to be a safe way to bring a new person aboard because that new hire will work better with the team etc. etc.
21 years ago
Don't both of these pattern provide loose coupling between two classes and hence similar in nature?
It sounds like prototype pattern is used in java in the form of Cloneable interface and clone method. Am I correct?
I am not new to patterns, I have used them over the last few years quite a bit. However, I am not sure what is the real difference between the Abstract Factory and Factory method is. It sounds like Abstract Factory could have a factory method. The Concrete Factory can implement the factory method. I guess when the Abstract Factory has a factory method,it may also have additional functionality, so it may not be just an Abstract Factory. Am I understanding this correctly?
Has anyone installed it successfully on gentoo linux? WAS 5.0 specs say it only supports Redhat Linux.
21 years ago
I am asked to dig into Websphere for my company, which is a consulting firm. However, after trying the installs on both linux and windows 2000, I am frustrated. I can't easily print the install pdf files, they are about 200 pages! They describe installs, merges, PTFs for older versions as well. I have gentoo linux running so, I went and grabbed jboss and it seems to be installing ok. JBoss also has nice forums where you can get responses from other users and developers.

Question I have is- how realistic is it to configure and learn about websphere on your own with just a trial version? Has anyone done this with Websphere 5.0? How good is IBM with their free trial support?
21 years ago
Golf may not be right for some people but find some sport or hobby that you can indulge in after work, it will help. Excercise helps a great deal too.
21 years ago