Jordan Grimes

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since Oct 05, 2014
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Ok thanks. That makes since. Think I got it now.
10 years ago
Ok, i believe I have fixed the Grade Checking issue...and my integers are now display numbers but the while loop runs indefinitely.

10 years ago
That is checking to make sure the grade entered is between 0and100. But now that you mention it...that creates an infinite loop. I just entered 101 and I get an infinite loop of the println ().
10 years ago
I have this code running correctly in Eclipse all except that it seems no matter where I declare, highest, lowest, average they always seem to stay at "0".

I have a feeling the location of the Initialization is not the error since I have tried moving it to inside differ loops.

Stipulations on writing this code are:
Note: You do not need to use array to save each input score for this lab. A Single loop to read in each grade, compare with the current highest grade, lowest grade, and
calculate the running sum at the same time.

Yes this is homework and I have dug all through my book and the web trying to figure out where I messed up.

10 years ago