Gaelle SMITS

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since May 16, 2002
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Recent posts by Gaelle SMITS

Hi there !

I get an exception trying to build a byte array from a String.
My code is :

Running this code throws me this exception :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: Value out of range. Value:"A9" Radix:16
at java.lang.Byte.parseByte(Unknown Source)
at fr.cnp.gcs.socle.technique.test.CleanTestKeys.main(

I'm affraid I d'ont know how to solve this, I think it's something about signed stuff, but I'm no good for this. :roll:

Can someone help me ?

Thanks !!!
16 years ago
Hello !

I need to install a web service on Websphere, but we only have it in its 5.0.1 version.
I can find everywhere information about deploying web services on WAS 5.0.2 using WSDL, but I can't find if it's possible (I hope it is !) and then how to make a web service run on 5.0.1.
Please, help me, send me a good URL or any tip, I feel like I have searched everywhere !

19 years ago
Hi !
What I am trying to do in JSP is not obvious to explain, so I'll try to be as clear as possible.
I have a JSP application, which has a session listener, so that some directories are created on the binding of the session, and deleted on un-binding of the session.
That works perfectly well (with valueBound and so on).
What I would like to do now is :
when the session ends, get an application variable I set somewhere else and which is a Vector, delete an element of this Vector, and then place it back on application variable so that it's available for any user session.
I think that, if it's possible, it must deal with ServletContext, but I don't manage to compile my java class which defines the session listener.
Thanks for any help !!!
21 years ago
Hello !
I would like to know : what exactly can I store in the application object ? (using application.setAttribute, for example)
I have a Vector that is used by any user of my intranet site, can I store it in the application object so that anyone can access it ?
Then : how long does such an application variable live ? Is it persistent ?
Thanks !
21 years ago
Hi !
I have a problem I have spent two days on now, and I couldn't solve it.
I am working on a jsp-database application.
I send a query in which I get strings and a long column in resultset.
I get the string columns by getString function, and the long by getBinaryStream function.
When I try to get only string columns, I have no problems, but when I try to get the long one, it throws an error after some queries :
SQL Error : 17002 - Io exception: not in streaming mode
and the browser displays : "Error: Attempt to clear a buffer that's already been flushed"
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method) at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Throwable.(Compiled Code) at java.lang.Exception.(Compiled Code)

I don't know how to solve this, and I have tried so many things, I'm really bored !
Please, help me if you know anything about it !
Hi !
I have to setup an application with WebSphere 3.5.4, JDBC and an Oracle Database.
I have already worked with ODBC, but not JDBC : can anybody give me a tutorial on how to setup my application (examples of java classes, what's there to do in WebSphere...) ?
Thanks so much, I don't know where to begin !
Hello !
I try to embed excel displaying a csv sheet in ie 5 with the <OBJECT> tag, but it won't work.
I tried to use the tag <OBJECT> to embed my CSV sheet in my page, but nothing happens with this code, as if there was no code at all... ?
<OBJECT ID="tdcStaff" CLASSID="clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83" codebase="test.csv">
<PARAM NAME="DataURL" VALUE="test.csv">
<PARAM NAME="UseHeader" VALUE="True">
<PARAM NAME="TextQualifier" VALUE=",">
Is it good syntax ?
Is there another way to embed a csv file in excel in ie ?
Hello !
I am working with WebSphere 3.5.4 under Solaris 2.8, and I don't manage to use request.getContentLength() : in fact, it always returns 0 !
How can I do to know if something has been sent by a POST or GET protocol to my jsp page without this function ?
22 years ago
OK, thanks, I'll go and try this !
22 years ago
Hi !
After parsing a file in CSV, I have to display it in a frame.
When I did a prototype of my application, the HTML code :
<FRAMESET rows="110,*" border=0>
<FRAME name="haut" src="BarreFadet7.htm" scrolling=no>
<FRAME name="main" src="Result_20020820135422.csv">
would make what I want, which is open a dialog box which asks the user if he would rather download or open the file, and if he clicked open, he would see the csv in an excel sheet IN ie, in the lower frame.
Now that I am working with JSP (under Websphere 3.5.4, solaris 2.8, jdk 1.2.2), the exactly same code would, when the user asks to open the file, open excel and display the CSV file in it instead of loading an excel sheet in the lower frame.
What can I do to avoid this ?
Thanks to anyone who can help me !
22 years ago
Hi !
I don't manage to use the waitFor() method the way I want :
I have a web application in JSP which makes a command line call by :
Process p = r.exec(command);
This command creates a file I have to dispaly in a frame.
So I have to wait for the file to be created before I load it in my frame.
I have written :
int respro = p.waitFor();
But it doesn't seem to really wait, and I get the URL not found message in my frame.
Can anyone explain me exactly how waitFor() works, and if it's what I need ?
Thanks !
Gaelle, from France.
22 years ago
Thanks for try and help me !
Well, in fact, there's nothing in stderr, but I no longer get error messages in stdout (it seems so).
The browser keeps looking for the page without ever finding it.
But there's also a strange thing I have noticed about this :
I still have one application server that works "normally", and when it's turned off andI try to reach a file from the webapp, you kno, I get this 'Internal server error' message.
But when I try the same with the new application server I have created, I don't get this 'Internal server error' message, it just keeps looking for the page indefinitly.
This I really don't undersatnd...
22 years ago
Hello !
I am working with websphere 3.5.4 under solaris 2.8.
Since I installed websphere, I have been able to create many Web Applications using the admin console, following the InfoCenter tutorial.
But now I have a big problem.
When I create an application server like usually, I cannot access to the pages and servlets of its directory :
the server is running, and when I type the page URL, nothing happens, until a timeout.
The stdout.txt file of websphere tells :
A Servlet.has.become.permanently.unavailable.for.service
for different entities (Error Reporting Facility, File Serving Enabler, Auto-Invoker, JSP 1.0 Processor).
Has anybody got any idea for help ?
22 years ago
Hello !
Here I am again, angree with a WebSphere problem.
I am working in JSP under Solaris 2.8, with Websphere 3.5.4.
I have to call xalan-Java API from a JSP to parse a XML file.
My problem is : I can't have the classes of xalan jars found (xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar).
I have set them in the classpath variable (please don't tell me to check this one more time !).
Do I have to put these jars in a special directory ?
Do I have to change something over WAS admin console?
Please help me, it seems to me I have searched everything !
22 years ago
Hi everyone !
I am working with Websphere 3.5.4 on both Unix and Windows NT4 systems, depending.
My web application extracts requested pdf files in a database, and set them on the server for the users to see them in their browser.
What I would like to do is : when the user session expires, redirect the user to the identification form and delete all the files stored temporarily on the server.
I want to remove the files only for them not to stay on the server for long, the solution could be, for example, a cache that would empty when it's too big.
Is there a way Websphere can help me doing all that ?
I haven't manage to find if it proposes a way to redirect users at the end of the session (I know how to do that in JSP, anyway).
Then, how can I remove my files ?
Thank for any help,
Gaelle, from France.
22 years ago