Randy Maddocks wrote:Thank you for your response Hanumant (please also accept my apology for spelling your name wrong!). And congratulations on your book!
Piet Souris wrote:
And me too, I must apologize for getting your name wrong, somehow. Don't understnd how that could have happened, for I checked and rechecked. Probably the old age...
Originally posted by AJAY RANA:
Is the publisher different for Canada ? ( I hope it would be a typographical error)
Sorry , for bothering again and again !!
Originally posted by Christophe Lee:
I was wondering if there was any sort of discount to purchase the JWebPlus software if we buy the book.
Originally posted by AJAY RANA:
Hello Everybody !
This is my first posting.
Guys I just want to clarify !!
Amazon.com says 560 pages for SCWD Exam study kit.But Amazon.ca and Wal-Mart sites say 350 pages and publisher's name is also different in Amajon.ca.
ISBN no. is same everywhere.
Can anybody clear this confusion ?
Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by wiwit tjahana:
Dear Hanumant et al:
What would be the difference (in terms of content and number of sample questions) if I purchase JWebPlus from Enthuware+received free eBook of your book and if I purchase your book from Manning?
Thank you.
Originally posted by Kevin Thompson:
I downloaded the sample Chapters 9 & 14 from Manning, and I am running thru the examples tonight.
My question/comment for you: I previously purchased JWeb+ (which I like) and your new book SCWCD Study Kit (as outlined here) looks good.
It would be nice if you could produce the same sort of mock exam/book/StudyKit for the XML Certification. I don't see anything out there on the marketplace that does this(goes thru all the certification topics one by one and has example code & tutorial(like your SCWCD StudyKit).
After I complete the SCWCD exam, I wanted to do the XML certification - and I expect the lack of study materials to be a problem.
Kevin Thompson
Originally posted by Garrett Smith:
How much weight do the Sun Certified Web Component Developer this hold in the industry? How does it compare with Sun Certified Java Programmer?
How much practical usage ability will I gain in the process of becoming certified?
Finally, is your book cenetered around "c:\" windows directories and installations?
Originally posted by Vijay Rathore:
Hi Hanumanth,
How much tme fram eis needed to clear the exam if someone is familiar with java/jsp & servlets. Is your book more than enough to write the exam. Or do I have to work on something else also to get through the exam.
Vijay Singh Rathore
Originally posted by Tim Mikut:
I am hoping that SCWCD Exam Study kit will give me all that I need to study for this exam. Does it cover each Topic area in detail and give web site examples to test our skills?
Originally posted by Pam Ginther:
Does the exam strictly focus on the web component issues or are there questions on basic java fundamentals as well?
Should I review the programmer material in addition to the web component material? Thank you in advance for your time.