abhi zulu

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since May 18, 2002
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Recent posts by abhi zulu

i am too intested in knowing a cleaner way
(other than ctrl-c ) Someone suggested restarting the JVM How can we restart the JVM using code ??
21 years ago
ok fine , java:comp\env is the default context
for weblogic. what ever resource u create on ur
server must be registered by a name like
java:comp\env\jdbc\name .This u have to list
n ur ejb-jar.xml as a resource ref.
now in webligic-jar.xml u have to specify
what type of resource this is example ataSource in ur case.
Now if ur using BMP u have to get the connection
in ur bean by calling this (java:comp/env/jdbc/name)
if its a CMP the weblogic server will do this work for u.

i hope this helps
22 years ago
you have to do a few things ..
Make sure that u have a connection pool ready
1) create a datasource if ur using wl6.1 link to connection pool
2)specify this name using default weblogic context
like java:comp\env\jdbc\datasourcename
link this datasource to jndi name.
3)specify this datasource in ejb-jar.xml & jndi name with datasource in ejb-weblogic-jar.xml
22 years ago
hey ,
we cannot find a unique entity bean instance without defining a primarykey.
If we do not have a findbyprimarykey in my home Interface the creation of jar will fail.
The client can never get a reference to datasource object.
The datasource object must be given a JNDI name
then the weblogic server will look up for that JNDI name.
Deamon thread is used to give service to other thread's ,if in my application all the threads finish there operation, then the Demon thread also exits even if it has not finished its operation.
Rather than doing it this way just create a constructor of ur frame & set all the parameters for the frame like setSize setVisible in the constructor.
add ur window adapter method also in that
it will work fine.
22 years ago
the way u work depends in which sever(javawebserver,weblogic5.1,6.1) you want to place your JSP file.
for javawebserver just put the *.class version of
your bean in classes folder.
put your jsp file in public_html & call it.
22 years ago

i am getting a "page not found" error! plz help
22 years ago
by using build file & ant tool i am able to get the expected output.
22 years ago
i am using jdk 1.3 only..it comes packaged with
weblogic 6.1 i have set all my path / classpath
using setEnv.cmd file.
22 years ago
hey javaites!!
i tried activation(rmi) , it works fine
on win98,95 . but it gives a socket exception
if run on win-nt or win2k. i tried to change the policy file too ..
permission java.net.SocketPermission "localhost:1024-", "listen"//connect,accept,resolve

but it didnt work ...plz help me asap
thanx for ur time
22 years ago
hey javaites!
i deployed a stateless bean into
weblogic 6.1 , on running the client i get
the exception "stream corrupted". plz
suggest some solution asap..
very greatful for ur help
22 years ago
hey javaites!
i deployed a stateless bean into
weblogic 6.1 , on running the client i get
the exception "stream corrupted". plz
suggest some solution asap..
very greatful for ur help