Alexandre Martins

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since May 21, 2002
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Recent posts by Alexandre Martins

i'm developing an application that is a MVC aaplication, and my persistence
layer is based on the iBATIS framework. The application has almost the same
architecture as the JPetStore from iBatis...ok, i've deployed it, and when i
run the application, i'm getting the following error:

Does anyone knows about this problem, how could i fix it?
Alexandre Martins.
[ January 26, 2005: Message edited by: Alexandre Martins ]
I got the answer to my own question.
I should set the first day of the week, witch depends on Locale.
20 years ago
Hi folks,
i have a strange doubt about the classes of the type Calendar.
Before, i'd like to know if exists a method witch returns me the days in a week, of a month, in a year, something like getDaysOfWeekOfMonthInYear(int week, int month, int year) ?
I did not find anything about, so i decided to implement:

The code returns me the following results:

The problem is, why the new week just starts on the Monday? Shouldn't it start on Sundays?
[ December 06, 2004: Message edited by: Alexandre Martins ]
20 years ago
Anyone could help me please?
I have 2 objects involved in a cycle.

I did a factory in order to build these objects, as follows:

How can i build one of these objects without have an StackOverflow error?
[ May 26, 2004: Message edited by: Alexandre Martins ]
20 years ago
anyone knows how can i set a .properties' file field from another project?
I have developed a logging application, and i defined a logger and an appender for this logger of type SMTPAppender. It sends e-mail with log messages to a list of clients.
This logger is common to many applications, but each one has a different list of e-mails that should receive the logs.
The list of e-mails should be defined in one of the logging application's client.
How i do this?
Alexandre Martins.
i have a problem, i'm using Message Driven Bean(MDB), in part of my application, and my test environment uses JBoss, and my production environment uses Weblogic.
I'm using XDoclet, to generate my descriptors.
i use the tag:

to define a queue or topic that will be the consumer of
messages in JBoss, and the following tag in weblogic.

my problem is when i'm creating a XDoclet template(.xdt), i need to get the values of those tags. With JBoss i can have this value using:

i've tried the following option, but didn't woks...

Anyone can help me, please....
Alexandre Martins.
[ April 02, 2004: Message edited by: Alexandre Martins ]
[ April 02, 2004: Message edited by: Alexandre Martins ]
Hi everybody,
i'm new in javaranch, i'm from rio de janeiro, brazil, and i'm preparing myself fot scjp.
Many people talk about kathy Sierra's Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide book...i'd like to know how can i get this book?
it's only for sale on bookstores?
can i buy it on PDF format?