Emil Karlsson

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The exception I'll get is Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-2" java.lang.StackOverflowError

And when I try to set to another JRE in the Java Plugin Control, only the jre for 1.5 is listed, not the older version prior to jre1.5!

Any idea what I can do?

BR, Emil Karlsson
18 years ago
Hi all,
as my header tries to say, I have an applet that is compiled with java1.4.2_09 and I have run the htmlconverter to get a correct calling for the applet.
Everything is OK when jre1.5 is not on the client, when it calls the right JRE. But if jre1.5 is installed it doesn't use what the <object> tag says. The applet starts alright but it throws an exception later on, when it uses jre1.5.

Does anyone know how I make sure that the applet use jre1.4.2_09 even if jre1.5 is installed?

BR Emil Karlsson

Calling of applet (converted wiht Htmlconverter).

[ May 05, 2006: Message edited by: Emil Karlsson ]
18 years ago
Hi, thanks a lot
I'll try the try/catch thing.
The setDragEnabled(true) have read about in some other forums and have checked for.

I also found today that in some cases it can be a good idea to not mix the DnD from AWT and Swing. I've not tried it yet, so I don't know if it is that cause my problem!

Thanks again

Emil Karlsson
19 years ago
Hi all,

I have an applet there I use drag and drop to a grid in a Jpanel. The objects I DnD is for example a JLabel, JButton!

This run without any problem on Win2000 and Internet Explorer! But if I run the same on WinXP I'll get java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException: Drag and drop in progress!
I'm using jre1.4. Have tried with later version but had problems with the DnD to function.

Does anyone have a clue to what is the problem?

best regards, Emil Karlsson
[ November 05, 2005: Message edited by: Emil Karlsson ]
19 years ago
Solved the Problem, and it was easier than I fought!
Heres the code I'm using.
What I changed to make it work, was that I removed the ? that I had in the beginning of the submit string.

/Emil Karlsson
[ October 23, 2003: Message edited by: Emil Karlsson ]
21 years ago
What does I have to think about when I will submit an XML-string from an applet to a CGI script?
I know that I have to enocde the XML-string to URLEcoded, but is it anything else I have to do?
----Updated 2003-10-20-----
I found tutorial about the URLConnection class.
Is it possible to do something like this?

Thanks in advance
Emil Karlsson
[ October 20, 2003: Message edited by: Emil Karlsson ]
21 years ago
Thanks a lot.
That put me in the right direction
I'm using :

when I run my program, the

method, cuts of some words.
For example, an hexdecimal colorcode that is supposed to be #FFFFCC, can be
It's no logic behind the cutting, it can happens everywhere, but it does not happens all the time!
Anyone who have hade the same problem?
Thanks for your help James
But that didn't work on my PC. It said Automation-Server can't create an object.Have any idea, what is wrong?
On the other hand, that was not exactly what I was looking for.
What I want, is that Tomcat (if its possible) can get the user that has a certain session on the webserver and be able to get the Win2K username, for an automatic login to an JSP/JavaBean/SAS-Software applikation. In other words, only the user that can be found in a SAS dataset and that the login get a match with the win2k username are granted login.
21 years ago
Does anyone know if it is possible to get the clients win2k username from Tomcat?
And if so, how?
21 years ago
I wondering if it is possible to get user username the user has logged on to his w2k with and then use it in a servlet/jsp?
More precisly is it like this I want to do:
1. When a user clicks on a link, his w2k username is fetched and checked against some data that is is stored in a dataset.
2. If the dataset contains the username it will display the desired page. If NOT the dataset contains the username it will display a message page.
-- in other words I don't want to have some username/password to be entered?
Is it possible and if so, how?
/Emil Karlsson
21 years ago
I would like to print the data from a jsp-page, to a desired printer! I'm not sure how to do this, and the normal javascript print() is not OK. I would like to set the size for the object.
I was thinking about to use the java printing API via a JavaBean, but I'm not sure how it will work.
Is it going to do all the work on the server and the user will not se anything?
Can someone lead me in the right direction? Am I totally lost, thinking like this?
/Emil Karlsson
yes I ment the URL and the pagenumber!
It was sad that it wasn't possible to affect that!
Thanks a lot
Is it possible through a javascript to remove the header and footer when you print a html-page from Internet Explorer?
/Emil Karlssoon
[ September 08, 2003: Message edited by: Emil Karlsson ]
My problem is that I open a subwindow from a window, when I want to submit a value through a Javascript from the sub to the main, it opens a new browser window. Any idea anyone.
Parts from the Main Window