Rahul Agarwal

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since Sep 13, 2000
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Recent posts by Rahul Agarwal

I think u haven't got the point.
I want a person sitting outside the proxy to open a connection to a person sitting inside.How can a person sitting outside can identify a machine behind it.He cannot even distinguish between two machines behind the proxy.Tell me if I am wrong...
Hi guys,
I am developing an Instant Messenger in Java.I am using sockets for it .I can easily send messages and recieve them.The problem comes when there is a proxy in between .How can I initiate a socket connection from a person outside to a person sitting behind the proxy.
How will it work...
If it's not possible how other messengers(like yahoo,msn,icq are working).
If someone can explain this or give me a link to some existing application like this one, it will be an immense help to me.
Thanx in advance...
I am working on a project which involves Swings as EJB client with IPlanet as application server.I want to add SSL support to my application.We can very well do it using IE but what to do if WE HAVE EJB client written in swings.
Can some body Help......
23 years ago
I am working on a project which involves Swings as EJB client with IPlanet as application server.I want to add SSL support to my application.We can very well do it using IE but what to do if WE HAVE EJB client written in swings.
Can some body Help......
23 years ago
I have to make an application in which a box appears and from where I can select a file which will open in default application associated with it.
Like .pdf files should open in Acrobat Reader and .htm in explorer and .doc in Word.
Can somebody help?
23 years ago
Congrats to you for clearing the exam.
Can u do me a favour and mail me the jqplus
at [email protected]
Actually ,I am giving the exam this week
and I have no time to buy it.
Hope u understand.
23 years ago
well i am involved in a web project with a timer clock etc.
I want to see when exactly a client gets disconnected.
Disconnection may be either due to closure of webbrowser or
due to any type of dis connection.I want to trap time when this client gets disconnected.
I am using servlets,jdbc,sql server7.0,jawawebserver...
24 years ago
init() method is the first method which gets executed first so it is always better to place code here which u want to be executed first.database connections are such things
24 years ago
congrats u have done a good job in clearing the exam in your first attempt
thserverside.com is a very good side devoted to J2ee and EJB
Well they both have their markets
only thing is u got to be a master in any one
Well I need help
I am working on servlets ,jdbc
what i need to do is either disable the back button in the browser or clear the history so that user cannoty use back button
Can somebody help me and tell me the way
thax in advance
24 years ago
Well I need help
I am working on servlets ,jdbc
what i need to do is either disable the back button in the browser or clear the history so that user cannoty use back button
Can somebody help me and tell me the way
thax in advance
my vote goes to Visual Age for java
You need an application server
Java Web Server does not support EJB's
u can use either J2ee or WebLogic ttc.....use anything yaar