Pian Wong

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since May 24, 2002
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Recent posts by Pian Wong

I would like to say thank you to the people in this forum. I got pass in the exam and scored 94%. Like Dongqing Wu said, the result really give me a surprise!! Without your valuable information, I think I won’t get such high score, thank you again!
In my opinion, the exam is not really hard and much easier than scjp2. Here are my suggestions: 1.)JSP and Servlet spec. is a must! 2.)MEMORIZE the important tag elements in DD and TLD. 3.)Do the mock exam. I use JWeb+ and found it quite similar to the real exam.
What should I go next? Should I retake the IBM XML cert (I failed a month ago) or prepare for IBM 486 UML cert? Thank you for your suggestion.
Hi all, I live in Hong Kong and want to take the XML cert exam. May I ask how much of the voucher and where can I buy it?
On the other hand, I have tried the IBM ice test of the XML cert. Would someone tell me is it similar or tougher than the real exam?
Thank you very much!!