Campbell Ritchie wrote:Isn't that a good mark
Well done.
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Congratulations. Thanks for sharing your scores on the blog. It's helpful for those wondering if they are ready to take the exam.
We didn't cover lines() in the 809 book. We are covering it in the 816 book.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:Please always provide full details of where the questions came from, so we can assess the complete question and to reduce copyright problems.
Option A is correct because the stream classes implement Closeable and can be used with try-with-resources statements, while does not implement Closeable.
Stephan van Hulst wrote:A stream is operated on when you call *any* stream operation.
Victor Calin wrote:Hi Mushfiq,
You've mentioned that you took 3 practice exams from SYBEX. I have exactly the same book but the PDF version. However I do not find those 3 exams. Only the assessment test and the exams after each chapter.
It's possible you misted up the books and those 3 exams are elsewhere ?
Thank you,