Danilo Fava

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since Apr 07, 2015
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Recent posts by Danilo Fava

Campbell Ritchie wrote:You need to be careful what you say, but if you apply for a job in town X, you can legitimately say that Francesca (or whatever she is called) has gone there. If you do it right, the potential employer will perceive that as a good reason for applying to them. If you tell them you are fond of the area and would like to settle down there, that is another reason for going there.

If you explain it right you can make yourself more attractive to employers in that particular district when they ask, “What brought you to Ireland?”

thanks for the advice. My plan is to wait up to I will have less than 1 month before to come in Ireland.
I noticed that I have lost some opportunities because I said to recruiments that I had 2 months of notice..
8 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Does that mean you love Ireland? Or have you got a woman in Ireland?

Whichever it is, you should work out how to explain that. Either (if used correctly) will make you look better because it is an explanation for going to Ireland.

I meant that I have a woman that I love in Ireland. also I like Ireland. It is also for career.
8 years ago

Giovanni Montano wrote:

Danilo Fava wrote:[
If you need to choose between php or java...what will you choose?

which color was the white horse of Napoleon?
what do you expect I would reply you?
it is a forum for fanatic JAVA users, that will continue to love it, even if the coffee will disappear from the logo!

Yeah you are right. I prefer java as well!
8 years ago

Tim Cooke wrote:What other advice are you looking for?

You've decided you want to work as a Software Engineer.
You've decided you want to work in Ireland.
Great, so go and do that.

Yeah I decided that! But I need to find a job. It is not a easy task.

Tim Cooke wrote:Get a job doing what you enjoy. You'll be super motivated and career success will easily follow.

Yeah of course, But If I have to do a good interview as well! It seems that there is a lot of competition there for jobs!
8 years ago

Giovanni Montano wrote:Danilo,
it looks to me the priority for you is to find a job.
You have 5 years of PHP on your shoulders and it is a skill super requested.
you do not feel confident on PHP today, so just study a bit to fill the gap as PHP is really simple for Java people, and take a job to Dublin as PHP developer, once there will be easy for you to make moves with your CV.

Yeah my priority is to find a job..
I prefer java than php also I used java in last years and not php...

If you need to choose between php or java...what will you choose?
8 years ago
someone other else that can advise me?

8 years ago

Danilo Fava wrote:just a question:

I can buy a voucher in December 2015 and then book for the exam in June...is that correct?

so If I understood well, it is possible to book the exam before the end of December, but you could reschedule for free the appointment... is that correct?

Yeah maybe I should find something that I want to do, and just do it.

But with what technologies? spring framework hibernate mysql ?or just pure ee ?
8 years ago

Tim Cooke wrote:Any particular reason for wanting to come to Ireland?

I have some reasons:
  • the situation of jobs here where I am living is very poor. I can realistic make more than double of what I am making right now (money)
  • loads IT jobs in Ireland
  • improve my english
  • new experience that put myself to the limit, I mean It will be a hard but very good experience for me
  • I want to show to myself that I can do this
  • last but not least: love

  • I think that I need to choose a role for my career...I did php than java than Verification Engineer...I am not senior in no roles...I know a lot of things but not in depth...
    8 years ago
    Hi all,
    I currently live in Italy and I am looking for a Java Job in Ireland.
    I have around 10 years of experiences in IT jobs, in chronological order:

  • 5 years in PHP backend and frontend with css, html and javascript (jquery)
  • 4 years Java SE and EE (spring, jms, hibernate, etc), I wrote a lot of Servlet for external company
  • 1 year and half (last job) Verification Engineer in a Agile team for the Continuos Integration (jenkins, script, machine, repo configuration, maven issue, etc)

  • I am loosing confident about software developer role, because Continuos Integration is not a developer role and I am just sometimes writing scripts not real java code.
    I was scared and I started to study for oracle 803 and I took it.

    My problem is:
    about PHP role, I don't remember so much, It is gone more than 5 years the technologies are changed, etc.
    About Java role, I used all infrastructure but I didn't create from zero a new java ee world.
    about last job (CI) I don't like it...

    I decided to keep a lower profile but when the recruiters look at my profile submit me for a senior java role but I prefer to look to a junior role with not so much money.
    I think I will have to take what I worth as soon as I will fit with environment and I will improve my english.
    I am not confident about hibernate, spring from zero, so I am studying.

    What do you advise to me for:
    -find a job quickly
    -improve my career (Java EE or spring? other?)

    I want to take oracle 804 but it is missing something of enterprise...

    Any suggestions or advise are so appreciated.

    Sorry for my english.
    8 years ago
    Good post, thanks.

    I am a java developer with oracle 803, and 804 working in progress.
    If you have to choose, what will you study for your career?

    Is spring framework a good choise?

    8 years ago
    Hi all,
    I am a software developer I have taken the Oracle 803 and I will study for the 804 in a little bit.
    I worked with spring, maven, hibernate, jms, etc, but I never created a infrastructure from zero.
    I want to create something of simple from frontend to datebase (servlet => ee modules => db).
    Just to understand better every layer, because I worked only in context already built.
    Can you advise me?Is there some guide to follow?

    Sorry for my english, I hope that It is not a bad question.
    Thanks in advance!

    8 years ago
    just a question:

    I can buy a voucher in December 2015 and then book for the exam in June...is that correct?

    Sergej Smoljanov wrote:you can get 20% discount for free

    Thanks a lot.
    I will buy a voucher before the discount will expire.
    8 years ago
    I have around 4 years of experiences in Java.

    For the 803 I studied around 2 months, just 1 hour for day.

    are there any discount for the voucher?
    For example sometimes I saw that there are seller that sell them on ebay...
    8 years ago