Originally posted by Liz Brown:
<html:link styleClass="a_white_bold" href="<%=helpLink%>" target="help">
<bean:message key="headerlink.help"/>
where's the key defined?
I am using weblogic 7
Originally posted by Lasse Koskela:
I don't think there's any difference in how one uses EJB's with Struts compared to any other MVC framework or regular servlets.
Originally posted by George Franciscus:
A 500-700 PDF would be a pretty big PDF to return to a web client. This is clearly not the norm for a web app. I think iText will give your the performance you want for a reasonably sized report. Lasse is probably quite correct. I would also be interested in a performance comparison between the two, but let's not forget to factor in the cost to create the XML for the transformation.