For the past 6 years I was a so called "1C developer": I used a Russian business application platform - 1C Enterprise, Because of the political and economical problems in Ukraine I decided to master internationally recognized language and ecosystem - Oracle Java. In "1C Enterprise" developers use domain specific language and IDE which allow visual design of database objects in business terms (, autogeneration of object forms so you don't need to code forms for simple-behavior cases. If you need to code a form - there is a visual design tool where you see object private fields and drag and drop the to the form (
I downloaded SceneBuilder to design JavaFX forms. At first it looked good but when it came to using TableView and TextField for my objects, not String or primitive types - I discovered that JavaFX form does not "know" what to do in such cases. I realized that I have to code with dozens of lines just to open choice form of my objects, return selected object to the input field. Comparing to my 1C experience it is a hell. (
Except SceneBuilder I use Hibernate ORM, for now it seems pretty good comparing to 1C Enterprise built-in ORM feature. After my experience with JavaFX forms for real enterprise challenges I came to doubt that this technology can be really used to develop complex applications with dozens of forms.