Maya Anykeyer

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since May 14, 2015
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Recent posts by Maya Anykeyer

I am trying to develop web service for "hard coded" client. Spring-WS is using. I have xsd which is used to generate wsdl by Spring-WS.

The problem is that Spring-ws generates wsdl with one single element in body - processRequestRequest:

But i need to have two root elements in body (instead of processRequestRequest accumulated authData and processRequestData), like:

Please, give me some advise how to change soap envelope body. I tried to change xsd but with out any success - spring ws always create one single root element in soap envelop body. Thank you for helping.
9 years ago
Hello. I set up my log4j:configuration file:

In my console and log file i receive next logged response from server. It looks like :

TRACE: [may-15 16:41:04,341] server.MessageTracing.sent - Sent response [<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""><SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body>a long, long unformated string without any line breaks</SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>] for request ......

The question is: how to add pretty format with line breaks between xml tags in logged soap response? Does log4j support this feature?