jack enn

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since May 26, 2015
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hi Tim,

i'm not a tomcat expert as you might imagine :-)

putted <host> in server.xml because of readings i made in google...they tell to create a host tag for webapp and inside put context aso..

i'm wrong, isn't it??

can you please help?? Got big pressure around for this!

9 years ago
Hi all,

i don't know if this question is already answered somewere, but i'm scratching my head since 2 weeks and can't find a solution.

I deployed a war file in webapps folder. (lets say mywebapp.war)

All is fine in tomcat manager, app is started.

Now in server.xml i configured <Host name="mywebapp" appBase="webapps/mywebapp" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"/>

context is in context.xml and contains a connetion to postgres db. (this also seems to be fine)

when i put localhost:8080/mywebapp/login.jsp it loads me only some part of the page beacause cannot find imgs js css and all other folders inside mywebapp folder.

localhost log shows it gets 404 for all folder and subfolder contained in mywebapp.

Can you please help? i'm running out of ideas!

9 years ago