I am new to Struts. I followed the Jakarta Struts - A beginner's tutorial by Isabelle but have a problem in running the first example.
I should see a directory listing with files by entering
http://localhost:8080/registeruser/ The error message:
HTTP Status 404 - /registeruser/
type Status report
message /registeruser/
description The requested resource (/registeruser/) is not available.
My Tomcat Apache Tomcat/4.1.18 is working fine. I could use it to run other examples.
I am not using Eclipse but I have created:
the index.jsp in webapps\registeruser
web.xml in webapps\registeruser\WEB-INF.
The struts.jar is copied to \webapps\registeruser\WEB-INF\lib.
I would appreciate if someone could help me to solve this problem in order to continue with the tutorial.
Thank you in advance.