William Ng

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since Jul 11, 2015
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Recent posts by William Ng

You are trying to eat a entire cow, my friend.

Let my get this straignt, You want to combine Servlets and CGI, but yet you are a novice at Java! Before learning to do use CGI with Servlets you need to learn Servlets. And in order to learn Servlets, you should first learn Java.

Anybody that has learned the basics of Java would have little trouble understanding why and how that file is used. I would reccomend you learn the basics of the language before anything else. You can't read if you don't know the language the book is written in. Similarly, you won't be able to follow many tutorials save for the most basic if you don't have a grasp on the language.

To answer you question, I assume that servlets-cgi.renamtojar was named that so it would not be recongnized as a jar file, which is a Java executable file. This disables it by default, and allows it to be activated when required.
5 years ago
Now that I think about it and after reading your response, I believe back end testing is the way to go, with some basic JS testing. My theory was that testing JS would also test the back end and it probably would. But why not just test the backend directly. And like you seem to suggest, backend is probably more effective.

Regarding the use of "putting to shame". I did indeed use it incorrectly. Thanks for the correction. Should have tested my question?

Thanks for the response.
5 years ago
I have a web application that I want to test(I know, I put TDD junkies to shame, I'm working on it). It has an AngularJS front end with a Struts2 backend. The AngularJs code communicates with the Struts2 code via REST calls. After mulling it over, I realized that whaterver happens in the backend doesn't matter as long as I recieve the proper data back from the REST calls on the frontend. Therefore, I realized that I could just use "Black Box" testing and only write the JS tests. What is your opinion of this decision?
5 years ago
After doing research and considering it thoughtfully, I agree with your remarks completely. Even thought I was considering modifying the model, my OO intuition told me otherwise. And thanks to you, I know that my intuition was spot on. So I will leave it as is. My design is not overly complicated, but, if future requirements dictates, I will look into using JPA. Thanks.
6 years ago
Should one place a container structure in a model?

For example,

AModel {

   List<BModel> listB;

In terms of OO this makes sense. But when working with models and databases will I run into problems as AModel and BModel have their own tables?  For instance, when I get AModel from a database do I just leave listB empty, or in order to completely retrieve the object do I also get all of BModel objects that are associated with AModel? However, sometimes I might just want to get AModel and not the list of BModels referencing AModel. Right now,
I am considering deleting the list from AModel. This would then better reflect the database schema in which AModel has a 1-to-many relationship with BModel. I feel that it would be a more elegant approach. What do you think?

6 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Where I am sitting, FA means something else and you wouldn&apost find it to work. Please avoid such abbreviations.

Hey Cambell Ritchie,
I did mention it unabbreviated, but to save you then need to find it, it stands for 'finite automaton'. I went ahead and created a basic one. You can see it below. And it has been unit tested and works and best as the unit tests says it should.

Here all the tests:

What do you think?
6 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Here's a link to the AWS Developer cert objectives.

I think it is too early to decide. You need to learn the basics about developing web apps and services for either path you mention.

Yes, you can do both.

Also, remember that for an entry level position, you don't need a specialty.

Yeah, i'm going to accumulate more experience with pure web apps before I just choose to specialize in a specific technology.  
6 years ago
Ok, that clarifies a lot. And it does make sense that if one desired to be a halfway decent at DevOps, they would first need to know what the heck they are managing. It would be like a system administrator who didn't know much about computers.
6 years ago

Tim Cooke wrote:The two are not directly comparable in the way I think you expect they are. JEE is a programming language and library, where AWS is a server environment. Your question is akin to asking "should I specialise in Software Engineering or Systems Engineering?" two very different career paths.

Perhaps I misinterpreted your question? Please correct me if I have.

No, just slightly. When I seay JEE, I am refere to JEE AND everything else involved with building JEE applications. As for AWS, I am only somewhat acquainted from perusing the site and knowing that it identifies as a cloud computing platform. I am aware that it has certifications for AWS 'Developer' so assumed that one would be in a development role. So, i don't know if AWS would be system engineering rather than a different developer specialization. That is what I want to know. I personally believe that, based on the tool it offers, to support devop as well as development tasks. So would it be safe to aspire to specialize as JEE developer working on AWS?
6 years ago
I'm planning on getting my Java OCAP and OCP certifications then i'm not sure whether I should specialize in AWS or JEE. Which would you recommend. Can I do both?
6 years ago
Software development is software development. There are all kinds of development, and while they have there differences, the underlying concepts and processes are equal if not similar. Wheather your a mobile developer or web app developer, they will consider it within software development experience. But you'll probably have to prove that you know mobile dev and not just whatever your transitioning from.
6 years ago
I'll give those suggestions a try, and can you give me your thoughts on using the FA? I think it is the next simplest approach, and probably more efficient also.
6 years ago

Rob Spoor wrote:Side note: since $ matches the end of the string, $[.]+ will never match anything.

I know that. That is why I use [tt]$[\\.]+[tt].
6 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:
You can pass the entire line to a Scanner object, then you can get a Stream of matches from a regex. Look at this method. (Java9 only.) Use its return result's group() method to get a String, and the last line simply calls System.out.println():-

Thank you for reminding of the quote. I've heard it before, and I there is all truth in that saying.
Yes, I have tried to verify that it finds full stops. And it does not.
I have decided to abandon this method, and chose to write my own finite automaton to handle the splitting.
The goal of the FA is to find words in ill formed text. For example

abab'a, baba baba babbab. "a abab baba baba"     baba-abababa aabab...., ababab???

Should produce the following words


I have already come up with an FA diagram that I will implement soon.

6 years ago
I have posted the original, before I made the changes in attempt to fix it.
6 years ago