Lily Gao

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since Jul 22, 2015
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Recent posts by Lily Gao

I see the result 153/160 in the oracle certview and I am so happy.
For example: for business tier, I use 2 design pattern: service locator and session facade. Is this okay? Thank you.

Mike Degteariov wrote:Hi Lily,

Do your use cases involve some kind of security, authentication or authorization ?
Does your domain model have notion of user, customer, consumer or something like that ?

If the answer is yes, then most probably you should introduce a user, login and appropriate security mechanism.

In all OCMJEA assignment scenarios I heard of, the users, security and login procedures were always necessary.

Thank you for the reply!
My domain model doesn't have login part and admin part (like user management). and the use case doesn't have that part either. My question is do I need include this part to my diagrams?
Can I ask did you put jsp page in to the class diagram and how many jsp and class in your class diagram?