John Fairbairn

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since May 30, 2002
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Recent posts by John Fairbairn

I have purchased the SCWCD exam study kit by Hanumant and Jignesh. I also have the More Servelts and JSP's book. My questions to you are:
(1) How long will the 310-080 exam still be offered now that the SCWCD beta exam is out?
(2) When will the SCWCD 1.4 exam be officially released (not in beta)?
(2) If you were beginning to study for the SCWCD, which exam would you study for- the old 310-080 or the new exam?
Thanks in advance.
Anyone used the obfuscate ant task with yGuard?
I am using the obfuscate ant task that comes with the yGuard obfuscating tool.
I have three main files in my application: x.jar, y.jar, z.war.
x.jar is not dependent on any other jars
y.jar is dependent on x.jar
z.war is dependent on x.jar and y.jar
I'd like to obfuscate all three main files. The problem is that the ant task only obfuscates one file at a time (I believe... correct me if I'm wrong) and when the methods are renamed in a class in one jar the dependent jars can no longer be called.
The file to obfuscate is specified by the inoutpair node. The externalclasses node specifies the dependent jars. Any jars/classes specified by externalclasses do not get obfuscated. However, I do want x.jar and y.jar to be obfuscated.
21 years ago
Thanks for your answers. I went to Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> JDK Compliance to verify that the compiler was compliant with JDK 1.4.
I'm using ant to deploy my web app to JBoss and running ant as an external tool from Eclipse. I guess I'll have to add another ant task if I want the optimization options.
I'm using eclipse 2.0.2. I like the fact that Eclipse shows compile errors in the Task pane. It's easy to navigate to the error. Where do you specify the compiler that Eclipse uses? I'd like to use the javac compiler that comes with the J2SE v1.4.1 I've downloaded which I could do by running an external tool like ant. But, I want the errors to be displayed in the task pane as is. If I can't change the compiler, are there any optimization options (like -o with the javac) that come with the Eclipse compiler that I can use.
Perfect. Can't believe I didn't think of it. Thanks.
21 years ago
I'm using j_security_check in my web application deployed on jboss3.0.4-tomcat4.1.12. On a successful login, the user is redirected to the protected resource. On an invalid login, I'd like a message displayed on the login.jsp. The login.jsp is both my login page and error page.
21 years ago
What is the best way to secure your Java Code at a client? With all the decompilers out there, it is trivial for someone to decompile a class file and look at its source. I like to use meaningful names in my code so that I can understand it x number of months down the road - but so can everybody else (including clients) with a decompiler.
21 years ago
Thanks Bear...
Like you said, I used another notation:
I'm trying to access the values from these hidden fields from my JavaScript:

Here is my JavaScript:

I get the JavaScript error 'form.documentTypes' is not an object. I'm using IE 5.
Thanks in advance.

In the meantime, if you purchase WebSphere Studio (WSAD) 5.0 you get a built-in copy of the beta of WebSphere Application Server 5.0.

The beta of Websphere Application Server 5.0 that you mention; is this different than the IBM Websphere Technology for Developers download?
What is the syntax for specifying a local DTD in the doctype reference instead of the one on the site? I don't think I'm referencing it correctly... I have ejb-jar DTD on my computer at the following path: c:/usr/dtds/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd.
Currently using:
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN"
Would like to use something like:
Thank you in advance.
Thanks max...
how much RAM do you have on your PC when you're running the AAT tool... I find it freezes up occasionally... I have 256...
I'm moving some jars I created in JBoss to Websphere 5.0.
On some app servers like JBoss you only need to add the app server specific descriptor file ("jboss.xml"). On others, like Websphere or WebLogic you have to do an extra deployment step (ejbjar or ejbdeploy) to add some extra stub classes before you can deploy the ear or jar.
I really find this extra step to be slow and cumbersome (especially with Websphere's Application Assembly Tool (AAT)). Even running the ejbdeploy command from the command line is slow. Any suggestions to speed up this jar creation process are welcome.
Just curious why the extra step and why this has to be so frustratingly slow.
If you are using a JDK version prior to 1.4, what is the best way to check if a file is being used by another application?
For instance, a VB application creates and writes to FILEA in a directory. At the same time, a Java program tries to open and read FILEA from the same directory. What is the best way for the Java program to check if the file is still being used by the VB application.
Thanks in advance,
22 years ago
Hi Bill,
Found this at the following link:
Sample code from link:
