Manoj Shekhawat

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since Jul 27, 2015
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Recent posts by Manoj Shekhawat

I cleared exam as I received badge in email.
4 years ago

Last night I took  1Z0-817 exam it was tough. My certview account has some email linking issue and they will resolve in next 48 hrs.

Fingers crossed
4 years ago
The room for test must have a door? I can't find it in FAQs.

I was also planning to take exam from home. Since I will be taking exam at night time so that my kid is in deep sleep in bedroom and I am in hall room (with open kitchen). But looks like it can be tricky, right?
This is really cool, I was trying to get coupon (30% for Oracle Employees) from my Oracle Employee friends then I saw this 50% coupon on oracle university website and I ordered it now I don't have to request it from my friends Yuppie!!!

Still waiting for the coupon voucher in email though from last 2 days hopefully I'll get it soon. Thanks!!  
I have purchased Exam Voucher: Oracle Certification Proctored Exam from Oracle and it says "Order Created Successfully". But I haven't received any email. But after reading above comment looks like I'll have to wait for 1-2 business days for getting the Voucher email from Oracle. Hopefully I'll get 50% off . Fingers crossed.

I have close to 8 years of working experience. It was fun at the start of carrier as I had to just learn programming languages to do my work. Switching organizations was also bit easy in my initial carrier.

I started my carrier as a Perl Web developer. Worked almost 5 years in different Perl technologies. Then my work at organization demanded learning Java technologies. I learned core java in the way clearing OCJP7 and OCJP8.

I now have close to 8 years of experience. While appearing for job interviews I noticed (at least in Indian region) that services companies focus on programming language deep knowledge. Whereas tech-giants (like Amazon, Adobe, Oracle, etc.) focuses on Design Patterns ,DS and Algo etc.

I had done my engineering degree from Electronics and Tele-communications, where DS and Algo was not in syllabus.

Can someone please suggest how I can learn Design Patterns ,DS and Algo to be in tech-giants (assuming that I have ZERO knowledge in these) ?

I wanted to go for these certifications:

1. Spring Professional V4.3 Exam
2. Spring Web Application Developer Exam

Certification path:

Pivotal URL:

Exams are conducted by PSI:

But are there any PSI Authorized Test Centers around New Delhi India?
7 years ago
Thanks Mikalai & Paul...!!!
7 years ago
Congrats Tahir..!!!

Good score as well.
7 years ago
Thanks Jeanne, Roel & Dana.

@ Jeanne: Looks like there is no option to edit post once submitted. I forgot to mention your other books apart from OCA. They were also really helpful OCP and practice tests books. I haven't read them fully but yeah few chapters and few tests from practice tests books. They were really awesome and I also followed errata page.

@ Roel: Thanks for your suggestion I noted it down. I'm big fan of good quality beers and Belgian beer is definitely next.
7 years ago