Raghavendra Desoju

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since Aug 03, 2015
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Recent posts by Raghavendra Desoju

First and far most, thank you for putting together the study guide @Jeanne Boyarsky & @Scott Selikoff . I have been fan of your Java certification study guides.
I used your books to get certified on OCPJP8. I haven't really got a chance to refresh my knowledge on subsequent releases.

My question is, would the new study guide cover all the topics required to get certified on Java SE 21?
Hi Kathy, Bert and Trisha,

How well this book covers the Java 17 Developer certification topics?

2 years ago
Hi Kathy, Bert and Trisha,
First and the far most, thank you very much for putting together this book. I have been waiting so badly for this book. I started my Java career with your previous edition and always wanted to learn new features with the same level of strong foundation I got from your previous book.

I am hoping I could learn all new features such as streams, predicates, lambdas  and so on.

I am a big fan of your book, it shaped my career.

Thanks again,
2 years ago
Hi Paul,
Thanks for putting together practice tests for the Java 17 certification exam.

How many times do you recommend solving these practisce tests before the exam?

Great. Thanks again for putting together this. Looking forward for a great learning experience.
Hi Authors,
Your Java certification series is one of my favorite books. I used it to ace my OCPJP8 exam. Thank you for writing this book.

How does this guide provide coverage for people having OCPJP8 certification already? Does it cover all topics irrespective of previous knowledge?

Please clarify.


Thanks Scott for writing the book on "Terraform". Much needed.

Can it be good start for a beginner like me? What level we can expect to become after reading this book (say Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)?

3 years ago
Hi David & Dawn,
Thanks for clarifying my question on the welcome thread

I have a follow up question. Does this book discuss the key aspects of develop, test, build, deploy, run aspects of Android apps?

3 years ago
Hi David & Dawn,

Thank you very much for writing this book. I love the "Head First" series.

Can we expect the same level of fun and interest with this book as that of `Head First Java` book?

3 years ago
Hi Iuliana,

I started preparing for Spring certification with Spring 4 guide due to the lack of guide for new version and left it off in the middle.
Hopefully it covers everything that needs to be covered for the exam.
How much effort is needed to pass the exam with decent score? Could you please also share if any practice exams are included in the guide?

4 years ago
Thank you very much for the detailed information.
5 years ago
Hi Iuliana,

First and far most, thank you for putting together an exam guide for the Spring 5 certification.

I wanted to get certified in Spring 5 and started preparing for it by going through Spring 4 guide and official docs due to the lack of exact guide.

There is too much of XML configuration for equivalent annotations in Spring right, so the question is, how focused this guide is in terms of coverage of the topics for passing the exam?
Is this guide self sufficient or do we need any other resources in addition to the guide?

5 years ago