Aliya Khanum

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since Aug 04, 2015
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Recent posts by Aliya Khanum

Hello and Congrats Jeanne & Scott.

My question is how different is
"OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809"
"OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide (Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804)".

Well... I don't mean the difference in Java SE 7 and Java SE 8 rather difference in the guide for example the way in approaching or explaining it to the reader.

Thanks in advance.

Joachim Rohde wrote:Adam answered this in the FAQ at amazon:

How did you come up with the metaphor of the source code being a crime scene?

Well, I was in the middle of my psychology studies when I joined a course in forensics. At the same time, I was working full-time as a software developer fighting some scary large-scale legacy systems on a regular basis. The main challenge there is always to know which parts of the codebase really matter.

Which parts of the code become productivity bottlenecks? Which parts are hard to maintain? Where will the bugs be?

As I got into forensics, I realized that crime investigators face similar open-ended, large-scale problems that we do. And modern forensic psychologists attack these problems with methods useful to us software developers too. I decided to explore this connection and find out how we can apply it to code


Thank you Joachim Rohde for informing me about this. I always wondered about how amazingly everything is connected to one another and I really liked the way Adam correlated two different fields into one concept.

Looking forward to read the book.
8 years ago
Hi Adam,

What made you give the title "Your Code As a Crime Scene". Sounds very interesting to me.
8 years ago

Lets Welcome!!!
8 years ago

Darryl Burke wrote:Hello Aliya, and welcome to the Ranch! When you post code, always UseCodeTags <- link

I've added them for you this time, and doesn't that look better?

Thank you Darryl for adding CodeTags but can you help out with how to do so, as I am new to this everything seems strange/new/............

And I would also like to know what does this Greenhorn, bartender etc ranking mean.
8 years ago
Oh, Right I didn't trace properly but now I got it.
Thank you for all your help.
8 years ago

Here is the code which I executed in netbeans IDE for which I am not supposed to get any output but I get 7 times Big x in my output.
But when I change the while condition to (x<2) I get the desired output. And when I say while(x<12) I get 9 times Big x in my output.
Can somebody help me with what is going wrong.

Thank you.
8 years ago