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Recent posts by AJAY RANA

Hi Aman !
Don't go by the monster.ca and workopolis jobs.An interesting thing about workopolis is that u would find the same job posted after 6-7 days again. I have 3 yrs exp. and completed SCWCD 4 months back(had done SCJP2 2 years back) but for the past one and half year haven't received any worthwhile interview(had received 2-3 calls but skill sets were for everything under the sky).I have talked to other java professionals also and same feedback comes. So, stay there till the scene gets better and try extension in VISA if possible.
I am talking about Toronto area.
22 years ago
Hi ! Sunita ,
I am not pessimistic and have no intention of dicouraging you. But my experience is too bad with this job search in IT and especially java .I had done SCJP2 2 years back have 3 yrs of exp. also and came to canada year back.Passed SCWCD also but till date have got just 2 interviews and that too for skill sets as varied as J2ME,J2EE and whole lot of application servers.
I would suggest changing the field ,i am also doing that as there are lot of veterans in the market roaming for job.
Anybody who would like to share his/her good/satisfying experience with job search.
Probably that can boost morale of people like me and new enterants like Sunita in north American market ?
22 years ago
Congrats Raj !
Thanks for the tips.
How much coding practice for EJB should be done? I know that exam does not ask about coding but what I precisely want to know is that how much coding practice is required to know all the concepts well.
Thanks in advance !
Ajay Rana
I also have the same experience as Aamir. Came to Canada Year ago, and had applied for every available job and almost all the sites.I cleared SCWCD sitting at home for 2 months and now preparing for SCEA but now fed up .Don't know whether I should continue trying or change my field (I am basically a mechanical engineer).
I have around 3 years of exp. in IT and have done MCSE,Oracle Certification and Java Certs. but the response is too bad.
I have another information to share with : I searched for keyword "Java" both in monsterindia.com and monster.ca. The results were
India - 908 jobs for last 60 days
Canada -98 jobs for last 60 days.
Well I am thinking of going back to India if the scenario remains the same.
Hi Sanjay ! I am talking about Toronto area !!
Ajay Rana
[ January 06, 2003: Message edited by: AJAY RANA ]
22 years ago
Congrats Vibha !
Ajay Rana
Hi Boney !
Sorry buddy ! I am in Canada.
Doesn't have much information about availability in India.But I think "Mastering EJB" should be available there ,I had bought that book(old edition) there about an year back.
Ajay Rana
Dear Fadi !
The best sources for the links to these resources are
- SCEA links of Javaranch(http://www.javaranch.com/scealinks.jsp)
-yahoo group scea_prep (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/scea_prep)
-yahoo group scea_j2ee
check these and u will find resources and links.
otherwise the best thing is read as many previous postings as u can on this forum ,u will find lot many resources.
Ajay Rana
[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: AJAY RANA ]
[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: AJAY RANA ]
[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: AJAY RANA ]
Congrats Sriraj !
Good job.
Ajay Rana
22 years ago
I also agree with Chris but the only benefit that I found of Mark Cade Book is that you can know exactly what you have to study for the exam .
Whether that is worth for the price is a personal opinion.
Ajay Rana
Well I found Ed Roman's "Mastering EJB" more easy to read than Monson Rafel's Book.
Ajay Rana
Thanks Sanjay !
I was also confused with design patterns the document in files section at scea_prep "Non Software examples of software design patterns" is really helpful.
Ajay Rana
Thanks Guys !
I think I have located it.
"A Practical Guide to UML: A Hands-on Intro for Developers"
Ajay Rana
Dear Shakti !
Could u please provide link to UML tutorial from Togethersoft . I tried but was not able to locate tutorial specific to UML only.
Thanks in Advance,
Ajay Rana
use SET PATH to point to javac.exe in ur jdk folder or JDK of tomcat !
i.e. either u can use
set path=%path%c:/j2sdk1.4.1/bin;
or instead give path of jdk/bin for tomcat directory hierarchy.
(try setting this in environmemt variable to make it permanent).
Hope this helps !
Ajay Rana
[ December 03, 2002: Message edited by: AJAY RANA ]
Congrats Iarizona !
Which part out of 3 u think is more difficult !
I am preparing for the Part I.
Ajay Rana