mihai mangu

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since Sep 09, 2015
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Recent posts by mihai mangu

hi Brayn,

hehe i was not able to resist making an account and aswerring your question.

i started which Java 2 weeks ago and i am using Lynda.com(depending on finances it is posible to be quite expensive) for video learning. it helped alot, they explain things in there which is not that easy to understand from a book..or maybe i am not that smart...
in paralel i am using the "Java: a beginners guide " by Herbert Schildt which is a book ...i dont like books either...but this is very easy to follow, and i am a total noob with programming.

other than that keep on testing yourself, i think it is the best method to learn something. i use https://projecteuler.net/archives . and whenerver i have things i do not understand i google/research.

hope this helps.

as soon as i will get home i will try the other resources everybody else posted already.
8 years ago