Hi Sanjeev,
Here i am providing some steps for u. I hope u will succed in running a servlet after following this steps.
Win 95/98/ME Environment
open your autoexec.bat file and type the following.
1)set JAVA_HOME=<replace this with your java directory>
2)set TOMCAT_HOME=<replace this with your tomcat directory>
3)set classpath=<tomcat_directory>\lib\servlet.jar;<java_directory>\src.jar;<java_directory>\lib\tools.jar;
After editing the autoexec.bat file, restart your system such that the changes u made to the system in autoexec.bat will take effect to the os.
Win NT/2000
Open Control Panel and Select System icon on it.
Here u can set the environment variables for the system.
Double click on the Classpath and add
the above lines.
In winnt environment there is no need to restart the system.
After successfully setting up the environment, u have to configure the tomcat server. But for now, to test whether the servlet is running or not, you can follow these steps.
1) Write a servlet.
2) Dont forget to put it in package.
3) This servlet should be placed in <tomcat_directory>\webapps\examples\WEB-INF\classes.
(dont worry, i will tell you how to map your own context instead of </examples> )
So, for example if you wrote a servlet called HelloWorld.java then the directory hierarchy should be as follows.
Note: Here Hello is a package name.
4) Compile the servlet from the same directory.
5)After successfully compiling the java file you have to map the servlet in the web.xml file.
Note: web.xml file is located under c:\tomcat\webapps\examples\WEB-INF directory.
6) Edit the file and there u have to type this lines.
7)After making changes in web.xml file restart your tomcat server.
8) In the browser address type:
http://localhost:8080/examples/HelloWorld And thats it, you can find ur servlet running.
I hope u find this info useful.