Mikalai Zaikin

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since Jun 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Mikalai Zaikin

Mike Simmons wrote:Does the question require a single answer, or does it allow multiple answers?  Because both A and D are correct.  There's some ambiguity about A, since what really happens is that we get six lines of standard output, and then at least two lines of error output, depending on how the code fragment is called.   But saying "A and D" is the most straightforward way to answer, I think.

The question is about the number of printed lines, so only A and B are potential answers, and option A is correct from these two.  ;-)

This is just an example of an ambiguous question, you are not likely to get similar on the exam.
Don't worry, you must understand what happens and that's sufficient ;-)
The reality is -- nowadays to pass Java exam you need not only knowledge, but luck, persistence, suitable phase of the Moon, and much more.
Same for me -- blank screen and nothing else, I would assume they have maintenance on weekend
This is how it looks for me

Turn on DEV tools in browser, select Network tab and check which URL blocked

Try to use VPN, for quick check, even there are free addons to browser
Hi Jeanne and Scott !

How much content was rewritten/added compared to the Java 17 book?

Did you update chapters (like adding enhancements) on the chapters that have not changed in terms of exam objectives?

Thank you,

Tim Bant wrote:What's the "answer" / recommendation in that scenario then if undefined isn't an answer? Thanks

The recommendation is to pick the best (although incorrect) option.

A 100% wrong answer will be counted if you do not select any option.

If you select ANY option -- 25% success (and maybe 33% in case you can cross out a wrong choice)
1 month ago

valerio cesolani wrote:
I did get nevertheless the silly question concerning bynary search on an unsorted collection where "undetermined" was not an option and I just picked one by heart!

This is a well-known error, which even Oracle is aware of but opted not to fix:

1 month ago
Hi Valerio!

Congratulations and welcome to CodeRanch!
2 months ago
This is what UI looks like for your company, they will have the option to email an exam attempt to a candidate.
Yes, this is doable.

When someone (e.g. your company) pays -- they purchase a so-called "exam attempt".

Then a buyer can email this "exam attempt" to anyone.

When you buy an exam, you send this exam attempt to yourself.

If your company buys an exam attempt, they will send it to your email.
Oracle support is usually slow, and I don't think there is another communication channel.
My ID was locked for another reason, but the message did not explicitly mention the lock; it simply said, "some problems on the website."
In the past, I contacted this email when I got my ID locked and they helped: <[email protected]>