Frederic Vermaut

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since Jun 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Frederic Vermaut

Originally posted by JiaPei Jen:
Hello, Frederic. You mentioned the annex to SL425. Do you mean the Appendix A and Appendix B to SL 425? Or the annex is something else? Thanks in advance.

You're absolutely right, it's well appendix (B I think, it's called HBC Bank (I don't have the book under my hand here)).
Sorry to have mixed "annex" and "appendix".

Originally posted by Andron Dre:
well done Frederic !
one question - where can I get "Example in annex of SL425 course"

I took this course from SUN and received the course manual. The annex is part of it. I don't know if it's possible to get it separately from the course. Maybe if you know someone who did take this course...
I'm afraid I won't be able to help more.

Originally posted by Robin Zhang:
Can you tell us if you use EJB2.0 in your assignment? Thanks

No, absolutely not. I studied in books that were from before EJB2.0.
Hope it helps !

Originally posted by Franky Cheung:
would you mind on sharing the secret of success?

There is no secret. I have been listening at this forum for a few weeks BUT I didn't believe all the things people say.
Examine all your ideas deeply, try to see if they are founded, logical and reasonable.
I read three examples :
1. The PET STORE : too complicated to understand, I read the book but didn't go into all details
2. SCEA study guide : it's not detailed enough, diagrams are too simplistic.
3. Example in annex of SL425 course : this one is very well done.
The most frustrating is that I will never know why they took me 8 points off my class diagram

Originally posted by Emil Kirschner:
Congratulations! in which centre did you pass, if I may ask?

In Belgium (Brussels : at Cronos) but I don't think it's of any importance (Sun headquarters do the grading, not this Prometric centre).
Good luck
At my return from holiday , I was pleased to note that I succeeded parts II and III with 91%
The result went pretty fast : I passed partIII on July 3rd and the result was posted on July 15th !
I had 95% for the first part.
I lost most of the points... guess where... in the class diagram (36/44). Component diagram (43/44) and sequence diagrams (12/12).
Thanks to all the people who participated in this forum.
I understand you have to provide a kind of small web site (just like the assignment you have downloaded), and put all the files in a jar archive file.