Sathya Sankar

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since Sep 16, 2000
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Recent posts by Sathya Sankar

Rishi - Check out
and for a list of airline terminologies.

Whatever you decide to go with, ensure you document the terms and the description clearly indicating why you went that route.
Hi - To overcome this you can bunlde the dummy DTD file in the jar file containing the classes you have written (or store the DTD in the directory containing your classes) and refer to it from within the parsing code block. This way all users will be able to use your class without any dependency on the filesystem.

Can you paste the XML parsing code and the first few lines of the XML document?
Hi Arron,
Even when validation is turned off, parsers expect to resolve the SystemID and PublicID. This means that we do need to provide the parser with the location of the DTD even though we would not validate the XML against the DTD. Typically this is worked around by providing the parser with a dummy DTD (name of the DTD file alone should match with the System/Public ID specified in the DOCTYPE declaration of the XML). This is a sample code:

Yet another way of working around this is to use an EntityResolver. The above code snippet would then be slightly modified. You can check the javadoc of org.xml.sax.EntityResolver on it's usage.

Yes you are correct. The parser will read a chunk of data and invoke the characters(char[], int, int) method. It'd then continue reading from where it left off, read one more chunk and call the same method. This goes on till it reads the complete data.

The chunk of data read varies from parser to parser. Xerces reads 8KB of character data for each method call.

I'am trying to parse an XML document containing Chinese characters as a tag value using DOM. When I invoke Node.getNodeValue(), I get lots of question marks as the value instead of the Chinese characters.

I know there is something very wrong about what I'am doing, but just not able to figure it out. Please help.

Hank - No idea when Sun would publish the new exam. I had asked Sun a couple of months back and the reply was that the beta was expected to be released in 6-12 months' time.
Way to go. Many Congratulations.
20 years ago
Hi Murat,

Will there be an upgrade exam?

Nope. No idea about this. You might want to ask Sun directly at [email protected]
Seid -

Sathya, may I ask in what month you heard from Sun? Thank you in advance!

Just 2 weeks back. I had completed my SCBCD in the first week of March and sent a mail to them immediately, for which they replied equally fast, saying I gotta wait.
Forrest -

what will be included?

Apparently an upgrade to EJB 2.0/J2EE 1.4.
The reply I got from Sun was that the beta for the new SCEA is expected to be released in another 6-12 months. But nothing can be said for sure.

I just passed SCJP 1.4 and i want to quickly get done with SCWCD. I want to know which site i should check for the latest exam or when it is going to be out.

The certification database has been updated with a record for the new SCWCD1.4 exam. And the results of the beta exam are expected anytime now. Putting the two together the new exam should be published by April first week. Keep checking the Sun Certification site.

Looks like that the new version is going to be difficult. I will rather do the easy one because still many companies will have the older version.

Based on the beta experience and postings on this site, yes, the new exam is going to be a few notches tougher than the current one. As for the version of the exam to take, it is entirely your choice. Both would coexist for some time before the current exam is removed. My personal preference would be to prepare a month or two more and take up the new exam.

Also I want to know the order of SCWCD and SCBCD? Can i do SCBCD first?

From an eligibility point of view, both these require only the SCJP as a pre-requisite. This means that you can take them in any order since you have completed the SCJP1.4. The two address different domains of J2EE, so the order in which to take them is again your prerogative.
Thanks for the wishes folks.
Satish -

FYI: It seems that some of links in your homepage are'nt working. I did post this in another thread too.

Thanks for pointing out the brokewn links. I'am in the process of revamping my hompeage and will upload a newer version in a months' time.
Ko Ko -

Long managed? How long does it take for you to prepare this SCBCD?

Took me 4 months. When I started my preparation in November last year I was hoping more like December end as the target date. But I had obivously underestimated the task. Also I initially used only the specs. That slowed down my preparation. Only after I switched to HFEJB and Monson-Haefel's book, did the steam pick up .
20 years ago
Many congratulations Nathan. You took the two exams in such a short span. Pressure must have been high, but they sure did not have a bearing on your great scores
20 years ago
At long last managed to complete SCBCD today. Got 91%. Main course for preparation was 2 readings of HFEJB (thanks Kathy & Bert). Drink was one reading of Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd edition by Richard Monson-Haefel. The appendices in Monson-Haefel's book were invaluable. Dessert was @ .
Thanks folks,
20 years ago