Hi. If you are using a DataSource : // Obtain a Datasource connection from the WebLogic JNDI tree. Context ctx = null;
// Put connection properties in to a hashtable. Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"); ht.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"t3://localhost:7001"); // Get a context for the JNDI look up ctx = new InitialContext(ht); javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) ctx.lookup ("put here your DataSource JNDI Name"); conn = ds.getConnection(); .... [ December 03, 2002: Message edited by: meital ben ]
I have a problem with the permanent weblogic license (per IP adreess) for weblogic6.1sp3 My machine has two DNS names and two different ip addresses (multihoming).I have one instance of wls running on one of the addresses only. I have a permanent license for one of the ip addresses � the one weblogic is listening on I set the listen address for the domain to be the DNS name of the IP the license is good for and the weblogic starts good with the correct ip Address � BUT I get an Error: �weblogic license error, Invalid host IP� I consulted Bea and they told me to set the property: �weblogic.system.bindAddr=Ipaddress� It didn�t work � does anyone has an idea?? :roll:
I cant figure out what to in order to " Load the WebLogic MIB (the file BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB.asn1) into the SNMP management system" as written in bea documentation for Setting Up the WebLogic SNMP Agent - they explain it by: " To figure out how to do this you may need to consult the vendor documentation for your SNMP management system." I must be missing something here. Thanks
Hi. I am using IIS 5.0 and WebLogic 6.1. I have ACL on my Servlets and it works just fine if I am going directly to the WebLogic from the Browser but if I m attempting to open the Servlets from thru the IIS I get the login/password prompt but the login&password are not accepted and I get "Error 401--Unauthorized " Any suggestions?? Thanks
I m trying to configure IIS 5.0 and WebLogic 6.1 I did all steps in the documentation But still it does not route the Http request to WebLogic - I tried to do Proxying by file extension for jsp. Do you have any clue? What am I missing here?
Thanks - it works ... I changed also the path in the config.xml file to the continuation of the path in the CLASSPATH only meaning- in the config.xml: ClassName="myPackage.MyStartupClass the CLASSPATH: .\config\mydomain\StartupClasses
in the config file: <StartupClass ClassName="wlserver6.1.config.mydomain.StartupClasses.myPackage.MyStartupClass "FailureIsFatal="false" Name="MyStartupClass" Targets="myserver"/> in the startWebLogic.cmd I added to the CLASSPATH: C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\ StartupClasses\myPackage\MyStartupClass [ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: meital ben ]
Hi. I am trying to use WebLogic startup class. I have done all that was written in the documentation and I add the path to the CLASSPATH and still I get the same message - <Failed to invoke startup class "className", java.lang.ClassNotFoundException > Does any one have idea ???