Ron Newman

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since Jun 06, 2002
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Recent posts by Ron Newman

Nitpick: It is never necessary to write code like this:

when you can instead say
21 years ago
Except that the MySQL Connector/J documentation explicitly says to put the driver jar file in jre/lib/ext .
I don't understand your question. Show us some code?
21 years ago
Also, don't use Vector. Use ArrayList.
21 years ago
Take a look at ServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher() and RequestDispatcher.forward() .
21 years ago
How exactly is the servlet invoking the JSP?
21 years ago
Here's what you are missing:
<jsp:setProperty name="jobBean" property="*"/>
This reads all of the form elements and assigns them to the corresponding bean properties.
21 years ago
When you compiled that class, did it have this statement in it? It needs to:
package netoffice;
21 years ago
If you are getting this exception, you are doing something wrong!
Don't catch the exception - fix the code.
Do a SELECT, get the value, and then do an INSERT. That seems pretty straighforward.
Tomcat translates your JSP into a servlet class in the package "org.apache.jsp". Other containers probably do something similar.
Since your servlet is in a package, its code cannot access any packageless class. This is a change to Java, as of 1.4.
21 years ago
Servlet classes do not need to be in packages, though it's a good idea. But any class used by a JSP MUST be in a package.
21 years ago
Just be aware that this SQL statement probably will not work if you move from MySQL to some other database server.
Since that decision is not visible to you as the user of the JVM, I presume it's implementation-dependent.
21 years ago
Why do you say this is not true?
21 years ago