Ko Ko Naing

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since Jun 08, 2002
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Ko Ko Naing is currently working for Itorama Consulting(Thailand) Ltd. as a development manager. He has been developing enterprise applications using Java EE and mobile applications using Java ME for the past 6 years.

He co-authors SCMAD Exam Guide, which is the first and only SCMAD exam-specific book in the market and published by McGraw-Hill Education (India). He is the lead author of JMADPlus, a Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD) certification exam simulation software from Enthuware.com Pvt. Ltd. Furthermore, he was a technical reviewer of SCMAD exam preparation kit and SCJA exam preparation kit from Whizlabs Software Pvt. Ltd.

Ko Ko can be found frequently in certification discussion forums such as JDiscuss.com and JavaRanch.com. He is an active moderator at JDiscuss.com, mainly managing the SCMAD forum. Besides the SCMAD certification, he also holds several other certifications, including SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCMAD, SCJA, and CCNA.

Ko Ko graduated from Assumption University. He received both Bachelor of Computer Science and Master of Computer Science there.
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Recent posts by Ko Ko Naing

Congratulations! It's good to know that the book helped! Hope it will be useful for you as a reference in the future.
You can find anything you need to know about the exam in our SCMAD Exam Guide. It is published by Tata McGraw Hill, the India wing of McGraw Hill Publications.

sundeeprs sharma wrote:
Thanks to Sathya Srinivasan and Ko Ko Naing, for writing the book 'SCMAD Exam Guide'
This book helped me a lot to pass the exam with good marks. Specially Exam tips, Diagram and Flowchart for the Concepts.

Congratulations! It's really good to know that the book helped.
This newly created Android forum could be useful for you. Though it is for Android in general, I hope Android-ians out there might be able to help you out.
As far as I look through the book's sample pages, it seems like Android supports certain types if hardware-level access through Permissions. Let's wait Mark for more elaborate explanation on this.
15 years ago

Anup Francis wrote:Also, Does Android provide out of the box support for google maps and other google api's?

I also believe that Android is supposed to be seamlessly intergated with other Google's services... I once bookmarked this. Hope it is interesting to you as well...
15 years ago
Oh Congratulations, Jane!!! Glad to know that the book helped...

There has been preliminary work on Jython and JRuby support for Android.

This would be very interesting to see such support in Android. It sounds like mobile platforms are becoming more and more like enterprise platforms, providing developers choices to make from various languages.
15 years ago

Jane Joseph wrote:Anyway, I switched to NetBeans 6.5. Found it better with respect to J2ME and initial setup.

Hi Jane,
I agree with you. I used to develop Java ME apps with both Eclipse and NetBeans and felt NetBeans was better, IMO. Code examples come with NetBeans were really useful too.

Ko Ko
16 years ago

Jane Joseph wrote:
I created 4 pictures of 30 X 60 dimension and pasted them together using Paint. Was able to successfully run the program now, so that the four pictures were being displayed one after the other.

Hi Jane,
Please see below for the original image:

You can get it from here as well.

Ko Ko

Jane Joseph wrote:
1.) In the code listing for Chapter 4, you have missed the listing 4.7, for the main application - the AlarmMIDlet. Would appreciate if you can add it, as it is kind of big.

Jane -- Listing 4.7 has just been posted. Thanks for the indication.

Jane Joseph wrote:Hi Sathya,

I did not notice the code examples in the companion site yet. Has it been loaded and I'm missing it?


Hi Jane,
Please take a look at this link.

Hi Pranav,
Sure, you are eligible to take the SCMAD exam. I am not sure what you mean by "previous rule". AFAIK, once you are certified in a certain version, it is lifetime for that version. So you are certified for version 1.4 of SCJP lifetime. I've never heard that Sun had such 2-year validity rule in the past.

Ko Ko

Jane Joseph wrote:
Yesterday I bought the book, " J2ME: the Complete Reference". While waiting for my vendor to order this book, could you tell me if the Complete Reference covers all the required Objectives for the exam.

Hi Jophy,
"J2ME: the Complete Reference" contains more than what you'll need for the exam. Since it is not the exam-targeted book, it doesn't cover some aspects of the exam objectives. Many SCMAD exam aspirants also read the Knudsen's Wireless Java for more coverage.

But I would recommend you our "SCMAD Exam Guide" to tackle each and every exam objective.
Those are product-specific certs though...
16 years ago