Thank you very much for the prompt response.
William, as I mentioned, I did try out the JavaScript "onLoad" function.
As soon as the page is loaded, onLoad submits the FORM to the Request
Handler Servlet, which after updation, returns back the same JSP. But
in this case, user observes a refreshing effect on his/her browser. That is:
First time the page loads..then suddenly disappears..and then it is
presented to the user. I could not get this solution approved
Catalin, sadly we cannot rely upon the user to give the confirmation
and this falls outside the scope of the proj requirements.
Anthony, in our architecture, the front servlet calls the request handler
servlet (which just returns the name of the JSP based on some conditions),
and the request is dispatched to the particular JSP. So basically, whatever
changes we've to make, have to be initiated at the client end.