Pavan Panduga

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since Jun 12, 2002
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Recent posts by Pavan Panduga

That works beautifully.

Thank you so much.

19 years ago
There is a whole javax.print package,

and here are some useful links
sun guide
javaworld article
some examples

Hope that Helps,
19 years ago

I have a JSlider component. I'd like to display labels "Slower" at one end and "Faster" at the other end. How can I achieve this?

this is what I currently have,
The numbers are milliseconds and represent delay in displaying the next component.

Any inputs/pointers are greatly appreciated.

19 years ago

Thank you so much for your inputs. Yes, it works great.

Thanks for that forum link.


I'm in the transition from Eclipse to Intellij IDEA,
I have some source files on the local file system and I'd like to import them into my project that I have created in IDEA. This can be easily done in Eclipse by importing file system.

I could not figure out how the same could be done in IDEA. I've tried to look through the online documentation but could not find anything.

Any inputs/pointers are greatly appreciated.

[ January 03, 2005: Message edited by: Pavan Kumar Panduga ]
getScaledInstance(....) method of java.awt.Image is what you are looking for

I had something like this to scale down an image by 50%

Hope this helps,
20 years ago
This thread discussed not very long ago should help you.

20 years ago
I think you have to set this property before showing the dialog.
Otherwise, it would already have defaulted while opening the dialog and hence no effect.

int option = fileDialog.showOpenDialog(null);

20 years ago
how about Regular Expressions? you could match the pattern you're looking for.
20 years ago
File->Open External File..
If I have to guess, I'd see if your BackupIndex property set.

post you config, that might help. One thing to notice with Daily Roll overs ,according to Ceki Gulcu, is that the first logging event after midnight triggers rollover.

I thought the dot('.') was just a formatter, meaning if you have provided date pattern, then it would create a log file name with the specified name and date separated with a dot. like following,

Otherwise it would create a file with the specified name and date not separated with dot. like this,


Yes, it is possible to send log messages to more than one destination. You have to configure appropriate Appenders in the log4j configuration file and you'll be all set.

In the Log4J distribution there's an example to show multiple destination configurations, It is configured to send messages to a File and GUI at the same time. So you may want to look for examples to look for JDBCAppenders.

Hope this helps,

Assuming that you have log4j-1.2.8, if you look at the jar file there's a class
, when you run this as a java application it launches Chainsaw GUI.

Chainsaw uses SocketAppender and by default listens on 4445 port. Once you have launched the GUI, you need to have a config file which publishes log messages on the same port as chainsaw is listening on. This can be configured via a config file just as any other log4j configuration.

Here's a sample

and the code that invokes

for more info you can search log4j mailing lists here

Hope this helps,