a sanjuan

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since Jun 12, 2002
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also, a mailing list for CDC:

this thread is interesting:
[ May 14, 2004: Message edited by: a sanjuan ]
20 years ago
If you have a higher end handheld, then the best to run would be the CDC profiles like Personal Profile, or the older Personal Java. Devices with the PP/PBP profiles pre-installed are coming out very soon from Nokia, Palm (?), and maybe other partners of IBM like RIM (although they seem to be very happy with MIDP).

Some available JVMs:
http://www.javamobiles.com/jvm.html http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/users/fittond/ppcjava.html

and a mailing list for CDC:

this thread is interesting:
[ May 14, 2004: Message edited by: a sanjuan ]
20 years ago
never used those, so i'd have to say, run, do not walk to your local bookstore and get one of these two books:
20 years ago
if you could publish your code and others could run it, then perhaps we'll get to the bottom of this. i'm also wondering about your phrase about converting string to stringbuffer. on the face of it, a single stringbuffer used instead of the multiple objects created by concatenating string objects should be more efficient.
[ May 06, 2004: Message edited by: a sanjuan ]
20 years ago
the motorola i730 in Nextel has something based on the location api. companies like xora are also using similar nextel gps-enabled phones to power their location services.
20 years ago
an alert message to user if a selected newsfeed source is updated...although i guess this needs a server based solution.
maybe automatic logins to a few blogs that you write to.
an "intelligent" agent that looks at the newsfeeds you read everyday and pushes the ones you seem most interested in to the top of the list over time.
20 years ago
you will need to use wireless messaging API for that, unless you use device specific apis...why not do a google search and see what's available out there...here's one pdf:
www.symbian.com/developer/techlib/ papers/wma/WMApaper_v1_32.pdf
another info:
20 years ago
i believe our webserver can distribute midlets...if you'd like, email me the jad and jar and i'll upload it and test it via OTA to my nokia and motorola. actually, if it's not a secret, include the source so i can make sure the jad is created correctly. my email is kalim1998 (at) yahoo.com
20 years ago
check your servlet using a web browser...it looks like tomcat is not seeing it based on the response you're getting from tomcat.
20 years ago
aren't you in the wrong forum here ;-)
20 years ago
except brew is limited in terms of the number of devices running it compared to MIDP. however, it is a good sign that the new brew phones seem to come with midp2, just like the new linux and windows phones.
20 years ago
cdc has a timer utility class. it's even in the foundation profile..check your docs.
20 years ago
this api would be device-specific, so you should look at the sdk for the device you are targeting. in other words, read the manual for the device you're targeting.
20 years ago
don't be confused by orika's post. you do NOT need to automatically rebuild a midlet for every download.
20 years ago
(1) what is your device? is it midp-enabled?
(2) just use your browser to point to the JAD file URL...the JAD file should allow the app manager to do all the download and installation process for you automatically.
20 years ago